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Search results: (1039 matches)
French un problème pour ouvrir un fichier xml dans Trados Réglages / filtre XML Je ne connais pas du tout Trados/Tag Editor, mais
sûrement il y a des réglages quelque part pour
indiquer au logiciel ce qu'il faut prendre en
compte - il me semble que ça s'appelle un
Lori Cirefice Sep 8, 2014
French Question au sujet du numéro intracommunautaire Parce que c'est une obligation [quote]Nathalie Schon wrote: + se procurer un
n° de TVA intracommunautaire. J'ai assez de
paperasse comme ça et pourquoi je ferais le
travail de la douane ? [/quote] Pour
Lori Cirefice Sep 5, 2014
Money matters Agency sent payment to the wrong account overseas (China) Find someone trustworthy It really sounds like you have exhausted all
possible options, other than a) fly back to China
(not feasible) b) find a trustworthy person to
withdraw using your card and send the money to
Lori Cirefice Aug 18, 2014
Off topic Translating for a cult No, but... It would really depend on which cult it was, the
purpose of the translation, the laws of the
country, any possible legal implications, my own
personal convictions... Not so long ago, I rea
Lori Cirefice Aug 18, 2014
French TVA hors EU: déclaration? Numéro? Non, ça ne s'applique pas aux traducteurs Au niveau de la TVA et Douanes et cie, il n'y
aucune obligation déclarative en ce qui concerne
les "prestations" de traduction facturées
hors-EU. Sheila a bien raison, il faut faire la
Lori Cirefice Aug 12, 2014
Off topic ‘This Is a Generic Brand Video’ (remind you of anything?) Yep ;-) Nice way to start out the week! Lori Cirefice Aug 11, 2014
Poll Discussion Poll: How do you manage your accounting/invoicing? Myself with excel I do my own invoicing and keep my own books in an
excel sheet. I basically list all payments and
expenses in chronological order, with a separate
column for VAT. I do my own quarterly VAT
Lori Cirefice Aug 8, 2014
Localization The proper way to translate a Wordpress website? Thank you both Very helpful replies, have asked the client to
provide the .po files, will see what becomes of
Lori Cirefice Jul 30, 2014
Localization The proper way to translate a Wordpress website? Hello, I have been asked to quote for a
potential project, and received an xml file that
starts out as posted below: > and < all
removed so it will hopefully post properly
Lori Cirefice Jul 29, 2014
Money matters Penalty for late payment of invoices Mandatory in France [quote]Andrea Halbritter wrote: In France the
40 € charge for late payers exists already and
some mention it in their invoices. I am not
sure though that this really helps...
Lori Cirefice Jul 28, 2014
French Alternative au régime BNC PS Voir aussi avec le comptable pour faire un plan
d'épargne entreprise, c'est possible pour les EI,
et les versements sont exonérés d'impôts sous
certaines conditions. Il faut quand mêm
Lori Cirefice Jul 23, 2014
French Alternative au régime BNC Les différents statuts Voici la liste des possibilités à ma
connaissance: - Portage salarial - j'ai entendu
que c'est une bonne piste pour quelqu'un "proche
de la retraite", en tant que salarié cadre on
Lori Cirefice Jul 23, 2014
Internet for translators How do I get an email attachment from my iPhone to my computer? Wifi hotspot Yes, under settings and wifi menu, turn on wifi
hotspot then you can get wifi on your computer,
extremely useful feature!
Lori Cirefice Jul 16, 2014
Health and lifestyle for language professionals Having a baby as a translator - seeking advice Maternity allowance This seems like a good article on maternity
allowance for self-employed women in the UK:
ty-pay-tips-for-self-employed-mums-to-be By t
Lori Cirefice May 28, 2014
Health and lifestyle for language professionals Having a baby as a translator - seeking advice A wonderful, scary time! Getting the news that one is expecting a baby can
be a scary time, but it is also a wonderful time -
congratulations! There are many things you can
do ahead of time to ensure everythin
Lori Cirefice May 28, 2014
Safe computing "Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender" spam flooding! Backscatter I agree with Anton that this sounds like
"backscatter". It has happened to me before too,
and I have dealt with it by using filters and
"white list" email solutions such as Delosmail (I
Lori Cirefice May 23, 2014
French Une amie nous quitte... Condoléances Je viens de découvrir cette triste nouvelle, j'ai
toujours apprécié les interventions de Catherine
ici, ses conseils et son implication dans la vie
des forums. On pouvait toujours compt
Lori Cirefice May 12, 2014
French Emails reçus: L'Urssaf vous informe : Mise à disposition d'attestation(s) Compte Urssaf alors Merci pour vos lumières ! Je m'en vais créer un
compte sur le site Urssaf alors, peut être que je
n'étais pas au bon endroit la dernière fois...
je vais chercher la section "indépend
Lori Cirefice Apr 30, 2014
French Emails reçus: L'Urssaf vous informe : Mise à disposition d'attestation(s) Bonjour, Au cours des dernières semaines, j'ai
reçu 3 emails de l'Urssaf comme ci-dessous. C'est
la première fois que je reçois ce genre d'email.
Jusqu'ici je recevais tout par cour
Lori Cirefice Apr 30, 2014
Poll Discussion Poll: I learned my acquired language(s) primarily through... A combination I studied German and French in both high school
and university, in addition to spending a year at
university in France on an exchange program.
During that year, I did the "immersion lifest
Lori Cirefice Mar 18, 2014
French Retraite du traducteur Devenir salarié en fin de carrière Je partage ce qu'un expert comptable m'avait dit
il y a quelques années... pour avoir une retraite
"maximum", il faut avoir cotisé à une caisse
"cadres" pendant une partie de sa carriè
Lori Cirefice Mar 5, 2014
Translation in Canada Subtitling/Dubbing in Canada Does anyone do subtitling/dubbing work for
French-speaking Canada? Does such a market even
exist? I am looking for some general information
about how things work in Canada. My request is o
Lori Cirefice Feb 24, 2014
Money matters Several bank transfer charges? Fees, and intermediary fees There are bank fees for sending and receiving
transfers. These fees are known ahead of time. In
my experience, generally the sending party will
bear the cost of sending fees, and the recei
Lori Cirefice Feb 21, 2014
Translation Theory and Practice The impact of touch typing on words per day productivty No direct impact on words per day We had touch typing classes in high school (on
typewriters!) and it has proven to be a very
useful skill. Later in life when I started working
in France, I had to re-learn touch typing for
Lori Cirefice Jan 20, 2014
Business issues Taxation for freelance work in Puerto Rico. Just produce the 1099s you have For the application, you can surely just produce
the 1099s you already have, it shouldn't matter if
one is missing (and in fact, I have no idea if
your client is really required to send it
Lori Cirefice Jan 14, 2014 technical support Details login sessions - other users logged in on my account? Dynamic IP? Perhaps it has to do with dynamic IP addresses? I
checked mine and found that I have over 10
sessions open, some several years old. It's not a
suprise to me, I use several computers to acc
Lori Cirefice Jan 14, 2014 job systems Any non-certified members ever gotten chosen by the turn-key translation system? Yes I have received a few of these in the past. Lori Cirefice Jan 8, 2014
Office applications MS Word 2007 text located in nested, floating graphics Interesting [quote]Rolf Keller wrote: (snipped) Replace
the old images in by the new ones. Make
sure that all other parts of are
unchanged. Rename to Mydoc.docx.
Lori Cirefice Jan 3, 2014
Business issues Is it better to live in country of source language if possible? Idem [quote]Texte Style wrote: I have the same
combination as you and have lived in Paris all my
adult life. While I am obviously exposed to a lot
of French, I do also have plenty of contac
Lori Cirefice Dec 10, 2013
Money matters Agency deliberately paid wrong account More thoughts [quote]Stéphanie Denton wrote: I have done
all that I can at my end to get it back but they
actually need to claim it back themselves, which
they are refusing to do![/quote] But
Lori Cirefice Dec 9, 2013
Money matters Agency deliberately paid wrong account Can the agency get it back? Stéphanie, I don't think the agency can actually
do anything to get the money back that was
mistakenly paid to the wrong account, even if they
wanted to. To get the money sent back, (in h
Lori Cirefice Dec 9, 2013
French CIPAV ET AUTOENTREPRISE/LIBÉRAL Moi aussi J'étais en AE, 2009-2012 puis je suis passé au
BNC cette année. Quand j'ai reçu mon relevé
retraite (il y a 1 an, voire 2 ?), j'avais
également 0 trimestres attribués pour la
Lori Cirefice Dec 4, 2013
Money matters Do I have to pay income tax in India??? Pan In short no you shouldn't be liable for paying
pan, however it's a little more complicated than
that, I actually have some unfortunate extensive
experience in this area, I'll contact you
Lori Cirefice Dec 2, 2013
Wordfast support Wordfast 6.3 t: three files open on execution of Alt + Down a .dot file got corrupted perhaps? Try reinstalling wordfast first, and if that
doesn't work, then delete Just an
Lori Cirefice Nov 27, 2013
Business issues Turning Down Project For Moral/Ethical Reasons White lie [quote]Preston Decker wrote: Would you have
told a 'white lie' like I did, or have flat out
told them the real reason for not translating
this? [/quote] I don't often turn projects<
Lori Cirefice Nov 14, 2013
Wordfast support No access to Works here Both and work
Lori Cirefice Nov 14, 2013
Poll Discussion Poll: How many CAT tools do you own? 2 or 3 If you count WFP and WFC as 1 tool, I own 2 tools
(WF and MemoQ). If you count them separately, I
own 3 :-)
Lori Cirefice Nov 14, 2013
French Télétravail avec un bébé C'est plus facile quand ils sont petits J'ai travaillé de la maison avec ma fille née en
2010, mais mon mari était aussi souvent là pour
aider. C'était notre deuxième enfant, je me suis
sentie plus organisée dès sa naiss
Lori Cirefice Nov 4, 2013
Money matters Quicken or Freshbooks for international clients? Transfers and bookkeeping Quicken/freshbooks = software to keep track of
your accounting Paypal/intl bank
transfer/check/direct deposit etc = different
methods of payment, some better than others
depending o
Lori Cirefice Oct 23, 2013
Wordfast support Can't use werecat on Windows 8- Any other options? WFP I highly recommend using WFP for PPT files. I use
WFC for most of my work, and I used to use Werecat
as well, but recently switched to WFP for certain
file types, PPT in particular! By
Lori Cirefice Oct 23, 2013
Scams New bank details scam Not free email This partner actually has their own domain - they
switched over from gmail early this year. Only one
email address in the company was affected,
apparently. I don't know if they use outlook
Lori Cirefice Oct 22, 2013
Scams New bank details scam A partner of mine in Asia was recently affected by
this scam, which I had never heard of before, so I
thought I'd warn fellow translators and agencies.
The partner's email was "hacked"
Lori Cirefice Oct 22, 2013
French Greffe du Tribunal de Commerce Se renseigner auprès d'un huissier Et même plusieurs si possible, pour avoir le
meilleur tarif. Je crois que les tarifs d'huissier
sont libres. Et puis dépenser même 70€ pour
récupérer ce qui est dû, c'est sureme
Lori Cirefice Oct 15, 2013
French Greffe du Tribunal de Commerce Signification Carla, il me semble qu'en France, tout acte de
justice doit être signifié par huissier, et dans
mon expérience, aux frais et à l'initiative de
la partie initiatrice de la procédure. S
Lori Cirefice Oct 15, 2013
French Greffe du Tribunal de Commerce Demande la copie de la signification Demande la copie pour être sûre ! Ca m'étonne
un peu quand même, d'après mes souvenirs, c'est
le créditeur qui devait faire signifier... en
tout cas, ce ne serait pas superflu de dem
Lori Cirefice Oct 15, 2013
French Greffe du Tribunal de Commerce Huissier Bonjour Carla, La prochaine étape c'est de
faire signifier l'injonction par un huissier. Je
crois qu'un huissier pourras bien te renseigner
sur les suites possibles à ce stade...
Lori Cirefice Oct 15, 2013
Wordfast support Save xtml file in bilingual word format (in original Word layout) Bilingual review, Word preview? Neither of these gives you WYSIWYG either. I
was trying to understand what you (or your client)
need(s) to do with this converted file Paul - is
it just to check formatting as you go a
Lori Cirefice Oct 14, 2013
Wordfast support Save xtml file in bilingual word format (in original Word layout) txml ? Did you mean txml (Wordfast Pro) format? You are
talking about a Word file with formatting that has
been translated in WFP, and now you need a
bilingual WFC document, right? I've never
Lori Cirefice Oct 14, 2013
French Protection contre les impayés : loi du 31 décembre 1975 sur la sous-traitance Dans certains secteurs... mais pour traducteurs ? Je ne sais pas si cette jurisprudence peut
s'appliquer à notre métier... l'article cité
semble être spécifique au bâtiment. Sommes-nous
assimilés à des "sous-traitants" quand on
Lori Cirefice Oct 11, 2013
French Passer du statut d'auto-entrepreneur à... Une discussion précédente
Lori Cirefice Sep 24, 2013

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