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Search results: (241 matches)
Business issues Direct mail and follow-up calls Depends on "target" [quote]Veronica Lupascu wrote: [quote]Neil
Coffey wrote: What's the purpose of the
follow-up call? Not only is it time-consuming for
you, but are you sure it won't just serve to
opolt Aug 10, 2010
General technical issues Combining multiple XML files (mono-lingual) into a single XML file ( multiples languages) XML is not XML flebelgium, as Adam said, it would really be
helpful if you explained to us in more detail what
it is that you actually want to achieve. It is
also important to know which XML dialect thes
opolt Aug 9, 2010
Linguistics Oxford's secret word vault Good find Mary! Really entertaining, I particularly loved the
"smushables", and the "museum head", both of which
sounded sooo familiar to me :-) But I was very
surprised to see earworm in the list, whi
opolt Aug 7, 2010
Software applications SQL for personal glossaries -- does it make sense? @Rossana Thanks for your latest input (and for the link),
Rossana, which I have read carefully. We have gone
a bit OT now, which is really the only reason why
I'm not going to reply to each of your
opolt Aug 4, 2010
KudoZ Suggestion for improving Kudoz questions and glossaries Agree with Pablo [quote]Pablo Bouvier wrote: [quote]Yolanda
Broad wrote: Hello Eileen, Thank you for
raising the issue. The KudoZ section is ProZ's
crown jewel. Dotting the i's by adding furth
opolt Aug 3, 2010
Linguistics "Reason" vs. "cause" from the linguistic point of view Etymology Obviously I'm not a native E speaker and can't
tell you much about the correct use in modern
English, so forget about what I'm going to say
right away :-) ... but anyway I would like to
opolt Aug 3, 2010
Software applications SQL for personal glossaries -- does it make sense? Reply to Rossana Rossana, yours is a very inspiring post with some
good points, which encourages me to delve a bit
deeper into the world of CAT (which I haven't done
very much so far -- see below), but may
opolt Aug 2, 2010
Software applications SQL for personal glossaries -- does it make sense? Clarifications Thanks a lot for your input, Stanislav and
especially Joakim! Maybe I should clarify a
bit: I just want so set up an SQL server program
on my local home server, and build a simple
opolt Aug 2, 2010
Software applications SQL for personal glossaries -- does it make sense? @Stanislav: Backend is what matters to me [quote]Stanislav Pokorny wrote: Hello
Opolt, most CAT tools have a terminology database
management component that will do exactly what you
need. If you want to use a server-client
opolt Aug 2, 2010
Software applications SQL for personal glossaries -- does it make sense? Hi all, I am considering moving to an SQL
database for my personal glossaries (probably
MySQL, PostgreSQL, or maybe SQLite), but before
making this step, I'd like to hear from other
opolt Aug 2, 2010
Proofreading / Editing / Reviewing Some common mistakes This reminds of the phonetics course ... ... during my English studies. One of the
sentences we had to practise aloud went like
this: "If I had a hat." "If I had a hat." "If I
had a hat." (The background is that in German,<
opolt Jul 23, 2010
Literature / Poetry Lost Kafka Writings Sick world, sick mind [quote]Pablo Bouvier wrote: ... I do not
understand all this fuss for the writings of an
imho quite mediocre author with a sick mind for
wich a very accurated term has been coined:
opolt Jul 22, 2010
Linux OS / Free software installation srilm ubuntu 64 bit Did you run "./configure" with the necessary options? The "configure" script must be run in most cases
before running the build script. Did you omit this
step? I hope you are experienced compiling
software on Linux; if not you are going to ha
opolt Jul 21, 2010
German Würdet ihr diesen Vertrag unterschreiben? Übermäßige Verrechtlichung [quote]Nicole Schnell wrote: ... Solange ein
Auftrag nicht vergütet wurde, ist der Auftrag
noch nicht erfüllt. Jawohl, das ist so mit den
Teilen - es gehören immer zwei dazu. Ob A
opolt Jul 9, 2010
German Würdet ihr diesen Vertrag unterschreiben? Stimme euch zu Nicole, Jerzy, Andreas: Ich sehe das so wie ihr.
Und alle anderen, ich danke euch sehr für eure
Kommentare! Dieser Vertrag kam mir von Anfang
an fischig vor; da ich aber nicht so viel
opolt Jul 8, 2010
German Würdet ihr diesen Vertrag unterschreiben? Originalformulierungen @Jerzy: Ich stimme zu, auch mir erscheint das
sittenwidrig. Und zudem kontraproduktiv. Da es
hier hier teilweise Kommentare gab in der Art, das
sei nicht professionell formuliert, will
opolt Jul 7, 2010
German Würdet ihr diesen Vertrag unterschreiben? Vielen Dank an alle Ich will mich erstmal nur kurz für alle Antworten
bedanken! Gut zu sehen, dass ich nicht der Einzige
bin, der sich mächtig wundert! So ähnlich wie
die meisten hier sehe ich es nämlich
opolt Jul 7, 2010
German Würdet ihr diesen Vertrag unterschreiben? Hallo liebe Kollegen, eine Übersetzungsagentur
stellt in ihren AGB folgende Bedingungen auf: -
Der Übersetzer darf grundsätzlich weder
Teilleistungen erbringen, noch solche in Rec
opolt Jul 6, 2010
Off topic Website: "Funny translator" (uses machine translation) Too funny, Pablo ... ... and a great find! Priceless! I agree this
automaton has a special kind of wisdom, and is
always very succinct. Diplomatic, kinda stoic even
if you ask me. It is difficult to arouse<
opolt Jul 4, 2010
Business issues Unsolicited applications Loopholes Good research, Samuel! I have noted that in the
old transl./int. directory, I appear under my
alias, while the new one shows my full name. There
might be another loophole in there. -- N
opolt Jul 3, 2010
Business issues Unsolicited applications Unsolicited=Spam Maybe it's just me, but something like that goes
to the waste bin right away. This does not
apply to potential clients in most cases --
because they are clients. But I mean, if this<
opolt Jul 2, 2010
Money matters "sorry about late payment, we are busy doing creative accounting" Are you sure they aren't broke? Just wondering. Or maybe there's a takeover in the
making, which could also affect you. How many
days did they actually withhold payment? If it
amounts to just a week or so, I would see
opolt Jun 30, 2010
Translation Theory and Practice Estadual vs estatal (Spanish) Not in M Moliner either FWIW, María Moliner's dictionary (Diccionario de
uso del español), which is also quite an
authority when it comes to the Spanish language,
has no mention of "estadual" either. This is
opolt Jun 24, 2010
General technical issues How to disable the touch pad Convenient option for the Linux users out there Just to let you know: If you're using GNOME
2.28 or above (e.g. Ubuntu 9.10 or above), one of
the options in the mouse config panel is to
disable the touchpad when typing. Yes, you hear
opolt Jun 24, 2010
German Fragen zu beglaubigten Übersetzungen Etwa so wie Tatjana Also ich mache beglaubigte Übersetzungen schon
seit vielen Jahren und habe das immer etwa so wie
Tatjana abgeliefert, und da hat sich bisher noch
niemand im Geringsten beschwert -- weder
opolt Jun 21, 2010
Linux OS / Free software Linux-Wordfast disk space error Is Z your pen drive then? I haven't used Windows in ages that's why I'm
asking whether Z is your pen drive. If so, it
might explain the error. This type of storage has
a limited number of cycles -- though it really
opolt Jun 17, 2010
Linux OS / Free software Linux-Wordfast disk space error Pls check temp and program file location Elliot, please check how your emulation
software (vmware, wine, crossover, whatever) is
configured to store its files. That might be on a
partition different from your Linux /home parti
opolt Jun 17, 2010
Proofreading / Editing / Reviewing Can anyone give me a link to BAD machine translations? Instructions @ Sergei: :-))) You simply can't beat this
one. But it would seem the following always
works: 1. Put brain in mindless automaton
mode. 2. Take random chapter from some user's
opolt Jun 14, 2010
Off topic Video: R. Schumann's 200th Birthday (June 8th, 2010) Well done And thanks for reminding us of Schumann's birthday
in such a nice way! Good to see someone break the
"all work and no play" routine here at Proz
:-) The clarinet is certainly one of the
opolt Jun 9, 2010
Linux OS / Free software Are you a Linux Translator? Linux old-timer This is a topic very dear to my heart! After
having read through the entire thread, I must say
I'm actually surprised about the number of people
who have taken the plunge and do their tran
opolt Jun 7, 2010
Trados support weird marks in tageditor with HTML files Pls. forget Notepad Pls. forgive me, but for some reason I do not
quite understand, Windows users seem to insist on
using Notepad, which hasn't changed much since
Windows 3.1 or 3.0 (!), even though there are
opolt Jun 4, 2010
CAT Tools Technical Help Linux for CAT programs Wordfast? Well, Wordfast Pro seems to be available as a
native Linux version nowadays, but I've heard it
doesn't work with OpenOffice, which would be very
sad. Haven't yet tested it though. For a
opolt May 28, 2010
Money matters Making a price per word from a price per line 8 w/l is a good number to start I'm saying this because I remember I faced the
same problem many years ago, and back in FLEFO
times the going conversion number was always 8
AFAIR. But unless I am missing something
opolt May 23, 2010
Translator resources Bye, bye Wikipedia... (due to eye strain) Font minimum size On my browser I didn't note any change in that
regard. But it lets me set a minimum font size for
all sites. Check out this config option. I don't
use Firefox, but I have it installed, and
opolt May 21, 2010
Trados support XML mark-up help is needed! Difficult to tell As far as I can see, you really need to know the
specifics of the XML dialect being used, probably
XHTML in this case. Maybe it has been mixed up
with HTML proper, or your translation tool
opolt May 18, 2010
Proofreading / Editing / Reviewing Two footnotes in one sentence FWIW Wikipedia is footnote-land, they have multiple
(not just two) footnotes after full stops all over
the place. Sometimes half a dozen or so. --
Browsers are of course different from printed<
opolt May 18, 2010
Localization Simple localisation tool, Virtaal, take 2 Virtaal vs. OmegaT [quote]Vito Smolej wrote: >> opolt i) it
handles TMX per default, so any export from Trados
can be used (my own experience). ii) it handles
PO files as well, and even better, it
opolt May 16, 2010
Translation Theory and Practice Why even professional translators readily welcome second pairs of eyes to act as proofreaders Sind auszulegen Hi George, I'm honestly sorry for your bad
experiences. Maybe the proofreader was just a bit
overjealous. Just don't be too disheartened over
it -- I think it happens to everyone from t
opolt May 15, 2010
Localization Simple localisation tool, Virtaal, take 2 I'm sorry, Samuel ... ... for the misunderstanding -- though you did say
that you had been closely involved in the
development of one of the previous versions. But
anyway there's no problem as far as I am
opolt May 15, 2010
Localization Simple localisation tool, Virtaal, take 2 Now testing Hi Samuel, just to let you know that I've only
recently started to test Virtaal 0.5.2 on Ubuntu
for my own purposes. It sure looks like a very
interesting program with potential, and co
opolt May 15, 2010
General technical issues Any software can localize US English into UK English? Only the spelling? Does that only include the spelling (no change wrt
the terminology)? That would strike me as rather
odd, even ill-advised ... If someone wants such
a huge number of strings localized fr
opolt May 14, 2010

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