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Points PRO : 5121, Réponses aux questions : 1764, Questions posées : 531
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anglais vers roumain: A monopole loaded with a loop antenna General field: Technique / Génie Detailed field: Électronique / génie électronique
Texte source - anglais Abstract
A traveling-wave distribution of current can be produced on a monopole over a ground plane by inserting a resistance of suitable magnitude one-quarter wavelength from its end. It has been shown that the resistor can be replaced with a modified folded dipole which has a radiation resistance approximately equal to that of the resistor.
Traduction - roumain Rezumat
O undă progresivă de curent electric poate fi produsă pe o antenă monopol deasupra unui plan prin inserarea unei rezistenţe de magnitudine corespunzatoare la distanţa de un sfert de lungime de undă de capătul antenei. A fost demonstrat că rezistorul poate fi înlocuit cu un dipol repliat modificat care are o rezistenţă de radiaţie aproximativ egală cu cea a rezistorului.
anglais vers roumain: (brandname) Eluting Stent General field: Médecine Detailed field: Médecine : instruments
Texte source - anglais Warnings:
• The device carries an associated risk of sub acute thrombosis, vascular complications (Complications can include bleeding, haematoma or pseudo aneurysm), and/or bleeding events. Therefore, patients should be carefully selected, and antiplatelet therapy (i.e., clopidogrel or ticlopidine)must be prescribed for a period of 6 months post procedure.
• Persons allergic to Co-Cr-alloy or (brandname) may suffer an allergic reaction to this implant.
• Implantation of the stent should be performed only by physicians who have received appropriate training.
• Stent placement should only be performed at hospitals where emergency coronary artery bypass graft surgery can be readily performed.
• Direct Stenting without prior dilation of the lesion has not been studied using this product (note Precaution regarding predilation prior to stent implantation).
• Subsequent restenosis may require repeated dilation of the arterial segment containing the stent. The long-term outcome following repeated dilation of coronary stents is unknown at present.
Traduction - roumain Avertismente:
• Dispozitivul prezintă un risc asociat cu tromboza subacută, complicaţii vasculare (complicaţiile pot include hemoragie, hematom sau pseudoanevrism) şi/sau episoade de hemoragie. De aceea, bolnavii trebuie selectaţi cu grijă şi trebuie recomandată terapia antitrombocitară (cu clopidogrel sau ticlopidina) pentru o perioadă de 6 luni post-procedură.
• Persoanele alergice la aliajul cobalt-crom sau la (brandname) pot avea reacţie alergică la implant.
• Implantarea stentului trebuie executată numai de medici calificaţi corespunzător.
• Implantul stentului trebuie executat numai în spitalele unde se poate efectua cu uşurinţă grefa by-pass de urgenţă a arterei coronariene.
• Aplicarea directă a stentului fără dilatarea prealabilă a leziunii nu a fost studiată utilizând acest produs (a se consulta paragraful “Precauţii” cu privire la predilatare înainte de implantarea stentului).
• Restenoza ulterioară poate necesita dilatarea repetată a segmentului arterial care conţine stentul. În prezent nu se cunosc rezultatele clinice pe termen lung ale dilatării repetate a stenturilor coronariene.
roumain vers anglais: A monopole loaded with a loop antenna Altshuler, E.E.; General field: Technique / Génie Detailed field: Électronique / génie électronique
Texte source - roumain For the series-fed insertions, shown in Fig. 1(a), a circular loop with a circumference of 0.92λ, which was about 0.3λ above the ground plane, produced good results.
The monopole was designed so that the length of the end section plus the radial wire from the loop to the monopole was about 0.25λ, thus placing a current maximum at the end of the loop.
The computed input impedance was 171.5 - j 1.2 ohms, almost resonant.
The input section of the monopole along with the segment from the monopole to the loop perimeter approximated a traveling wave.
Traduction - anglais Pentru insertia alimentata in serie, aratata in Fig. 1(a), o bucla circulara cu o circumferinta de 0.92 λ situata la aproximativ 0.3 λ deasupra planului a avut rezultate bune.
Antena a fost conceputa in asa fel incat lungimea sectiunii finale plus cablul radial de la bucla la antena sa fie 0.25 λ, plasand astfel un curent maxim la capatul buclei.
Impedanta de intrare calculata a fost aproximativ 171.5-j 1.2 ohmi, aproape rezonanta.
Sectiunea de intrare a antenei impreuna cu segmentul cuprins intre antena si perimetrul buclei a fost de aproximativ o lungime de unda.
Années d'expérience en traduction : 20. Inscrit à : Sep 2009. Devenu membre en : Jan 2010.
roumain vers anglais (Romanian Ministry of Justice, verified) anglais vers roumain (Romanian Ministry of Justice, verified) roumain vers anglais (Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, verified) anglais vers roumain (Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, verified)
M.Sc. - Clinical Psychology, Counselling and Psychotherapy (Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania)
M.A. - Anglo-American Studies (Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania)
B.A. - Romanian Language and Literature - English Language and Literature (Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania)
Translation, proofreading/editing, quality checks, localization, language consultancy.
General Fields: Medical, Pharmaceutical, Psychology, Human Resources, Technical/Engineering, Legal/Contracts, Linguistics, Advertising & Marketing.
Past works:
- Instructions/operating manuals/leaflets for medical devices
- Medical software
- Medical records
- Clinical studies
- Catalogs, brochures & leaflets for industrial power tools
- Household appliance manuals/technical sheets, leaflets and product support information
- Safety equipment instructions & manuals
- Safety data sheets
- Published Translations – Welding Research projects, Academic and Scientific articles
- Website localization
Human Resources
- Employee Handbooks
- Health & Safety policies
- Induction Program Supports
- Meeting minutes
- Contracts
- Tender documentation
- Beneficiary requirements
- Affidavits, Commercial Certificates, Resolutions
- School certificates, Degrees and Diplomas, Criminal records, Orders and Decrees, Powers of attorney (sworn translations)
Cet utilisateur a gagné des points KudoZ en aidant d'autres traducteurs sur des termes de niveau PRO. Cliquez sur le total des points pour afficher les traductions proposées.
Total des points gagnés: 5348 Points de niveau PRO: 5121