Job closed
This job was closed at May 28, 2024 21:15 GMT.

Film, theatre

Offre publiée le : Apr 29, 2024 21:58 GMT   (GMT: Apr 29, 2024 21:58)

Job type: Offre potentielle
Service required: Translation

Langues : bengali vers ourdou, bengali vers ouzbek, bengali vers tamoul/tamil, bengali vers thaï/siamois, bengali vers turc, bengali vers türkmène/turcoman, bengali vers ukrainien, bengali vers vietnamien

Description de l'offre :
Good day,

My name is Dempsey and I wrote the book Changewyx.
This book is interesting in that the readers decide the plot 3 times.
We expect this book to sell more than 1,000,000 in 29 language mutations.
Based on this book, an American film will be made and a theatrical performance will also be prepared.
The book is available at [HIDDEN] and other retailers such as [HIDDEN]

Our goal is to reach a large number of business partners /companies that would like to have product placement in the film/, but also people from the film industry, actors, distributors and prepare dubbing or subtitles.

We also want to reach people from the field of theaters /actors, partners.../.

We would be very happy to use your experience in the field of translation and interpretation.

There is a casting call form for film and theater on the website [HIDDEN]

PS If you have a tip for companies that they would like to have in the film, which will be distributed throughout the product placement world, write to us.

Payment terms: 60 jours à partir de la date de facturation.
Poster country: États-Unis

Prestataire de services ciblé (précisé par l'expéditeur de l'offre) :
Champ Objet: Marketing / recherche de marché
Clôture des candidatures : May 28, 2024 21:15 GMT
Texte exemple : La traduction de ce texte n'est PAS requise.
Manual for our new collegues
À propos du donneur d'ordre :
This job was posted by a Blue Board outsourcer.

Note: You cannot quote because this job is closed.

Contact person title: director

Candidatures reçues : 8 (Job closed)
bengali vers tamoul/tamil:1
bengali vers thaï/siamois:1
bengali vers turc:1
bengali vers türkmène/turcoman:1
bengali vers ukrainien:1
bengali vers ouzbek:1
bengali vers ourdou:1
bengali vers vietnamien:1