Translation Glossaries from the Web
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В словаре содержится около 350 терминов, используемых в современной тектонической литературе. Содержание каждого термина приводится на единой понятийной основе, отражающей современное состояние теории тектоники литосферных плит. Наряду с тектоническими, включены термины по структурной геологии, петрологии, геофизике и другим смежным дисциплинам, ча... View more
Das Lexikon der Erde
Arislejdy Stolzenberger-Ramirez |
GeoDZ ist das umfassende Referenzwerk rund um unsere Erde. Es verfolgt ein integriertes Konzept und umfasst sämtliche Disziplinen der Geowissenschaften: Geologie, Geografie, Geodäsie, Geophysik, etc. Wir möchten GeoDZ sowohl als Lexikon als auch als Studienführer verstanden wissen. Geo DZ is the profound knowledge ressource for earth ... View more
Около 2000 терминов и акронимов.
40 000 терминов
Fizikos terminų žodynas
Vilniaus Universitetas, Fizkos Fakultetas |
Geras penkiakalbis fizikos terminų žodynas.
The Oilfield Glossary
Shlumberger company |
Definitions for major oilfield activities reviewed by technical experts with high-quality, full-color photographs and illustrations clarifying many definitions
This dictionary aims to provide a one-stop source of information about all medical and scientific terms. It contains terms relating to biochemistry, cell biology, chemistry, molecular biology, physics, plant biology, radiobiology, science and technology. This dictionary includes acronyms, jargon, theory, conventions, standards, institutions, pro... View more
Biology Glossary |
This editable Wiki Dictionary provides explanations for thousands of terms with links to relevant tutorials: contains hand picked articles in Agriculture, Astrobiology, Biochemistry, Bioengineering, Biophysics, Medicine and many other topics, and includes World's largest and most comprehensive biology discussion board, made up of sections on Cell B... View more
The Ionactive Radiation Protection Glossary provides an extensive range of terms, definitions and explanations associated with the practice of ‘Radiation Protection’ (otherwise known as Radiation Safety, Radiological Protection or Health Physics). The glossary covers basic nuclear and radiation physics, operational health physics practice, instrume... View more
Life Science Glossary |
In this resource a large amount of biology related information is readily available. It is a glossary of over 3,700 definitions and it is still growing.
Music Dictionary Online's primary purpose is, in the case of non-English words and phrases, to offer translations and, more generally, and where appropriate, to offer explanations and comments about general (non-musical) and specialist (i.e. musical, etc.) terms that might be found in musical scores, books on music, web sites, CD notes, concert pro... View more
Dictionary of Philosophical Terms
KG Sauer München |
20 000 entries covering all disciplines of philosophy (metaphysics, epistemology, logic, philosophy of science, philosophy of mathematics, philosophy of mind, philosophical anthropology, philosophy of history, social philosophy, philosophy of language, theory of action, decision theory, ethcis, aesthetics) - plus topical entries of philosophical re... View more
Meteorology in Basque
Basque Meteorologic Service (EUSKALMET) |
Glossary of meteorology, climatology and physics terms with their scientific definition in Basque.
The NASA Thesaurus contains the authorized subject terms by which the documents in the NASA Aeronautics and Space Database are indexed and retrieved. The scope of this controlled vocabulary includes not only aerospace engineering, but all supporting areas of engineering and physics, the natural space sciences (astronomy, astrophysics, and planetary... View more
Universe and Astrophysics Dictionary
NASA - Goddard Space Flight Center |
NASA Dictionary that explains the vast majority of the technical terms used in Astrophysics-related documents.
GEMET Thesaurus
European Environment Information and Observation Network (EIONET) |
Thematic glossary in most European languages & Russian - many fields: administration; legislation; agriculture ; materials; air; military aspects; animal husbandry; natural areas; landscape; ecosystems; biology; natural dynamics; building; noise, vibrations; chemistry; physics; climate; pollution; disasters, accidents, risk; radiations; economic... View more
The following is a dictionary for terminology used in the study of human and animal vision. It includes terms from the areas of biological and machine vision, visual psychophysics, visual neuroscience and other related fields.
K l e i n e s P h y s i k w � r t e r b u c h
Kaufmann-Z�chling |
German to English glossary of physics terms.
Glossary for Mechanics
Physics Education Center |
Enriched with links and graphics.
Astronomy Thesaurus
The Australian National University, Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics |
Multilingual glossary of astronomic terms; also functions as a thesaurus with links to topics related to each item shown
A Glossary of Frequently Misused or Misunderstood Physics Terms and Concepts
Donald E. Simanek, Lock Haven University |
Technical terms of science have very specific meanings. Standard dictionaries are not always the best source of useful and correct definitions of them. This glossary focuses on those terms which give students particular difficulties, and it is enriched with detailed examples of misuse.
Geophysics Dictionary / Jeofizik S�zl��
Dokuz Eyl�l University |
Dictionary of terms and concepts related to geophysics prepared by the Dokuz Eylül University in Turkey
Skateboarding glossary
Exploratorium |
glossary of skateboarding terms; anatomy, tricks, types of skateboarding & physics
A Glossary of Frequently Misused or Misunderstood Physics Terms and Concepts
By Donald E. Simanek, Lock Haven University |
This glossary is not intended to be complete. It focuses on those terms which give students particular difficulties. Some words have subtle and intricate meanings which cannot be encapsulated in a short definition. That's why textbooks exist. A good glossary for elementary physics may be found in Appendix G-1 of Kirkpatrick & Wheeler, Physics, A Wo... View more
Glossary on Astronomy terms
Astronomy Picture of the Day's |
Glossary about astronomical and astrophysical terms
The Glossary of Plasma Physics and Fusion Energy Research
Fusion Energy Educational Web Site |
This Glossary seeks to provide plain-language definitions of over 3600 frequently used technical terms in Plasma Physics (all areas) and Fusion Energy Research. Edited by Robert F. Heeter with assistance from: Albert Chou, John Wright, Joshua Jones and the LLNL Science and Technology Education Program Links to other relevant Glossaries.
Astro Language
Veikko Makela (from Ursa Astro Assoc. - Helsinki-Finland) |
A mini dictionary of 300 astronomical words in different European languages
Glossary of Nuclear Terms
American Nuclear Society |
More than *I* ever wanted to know about things nuclear--even when I was taking atomic physics in college! From 'Acid Rain' to the 'WEC'
An excellent comprehensive source for oil industry terms in English--Although geared to the oil industry, I also found it very useful for geological and other terms in a coal mine study. "Welcome to the Oilfield Glossary The Schlumberger Oilfield Glossary provides definitions and illustrations of oilfield terminology for the technical generalis... View more
The Glossary of Plasma Physics and Fusion Energy Research
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) |
very professional; "plain-language definitions of over 3600 frequently used technical terms"; updatable; the same page contains more links of this kind