Translation Glossaries from the Web
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Dictionary of Sexual Terms - 24 150 terms and expressions, 3 500 quotes, 47 000 synonyms. All the Many-Splendored Things in Between in Teenspeak - Jockspeak - Menglish - Slanglish - Spanglish Gaylese - Americanese - Britspeak - Ozslang - Funetic Populo-Vulgar Speech - T-Shirt & Net Shorthand Pompo-Verbosity & other Figurative Lingos
This list of Vietnamese to English and English to Vietnamese dictionaries provides a broad based vocabulary and concise translations. It is a considerable language resource representing a reliable tool for Vietnamese speakers to approach the English language. Wonderfully animated providing phonetics and Part of Speech.
Word Lists
Stephen Chrisomalis |
Comprehensive lists of categories in English, including rare words: Sciences and Studies, Forms and Shapes, Carriages and Chariots, Divination and Fortune-Telling, Fabric and Cloth, Forms of Government, Grammatical Cases, Philosophical 'Isms', Colour Terms, Bearing and Carrying Terms, Adjectives of Relation, Ecclesiastical Terms, Feeding and Eating... View more
Guide to Biotechnology: Glossary
Biotechnology Industry Organization |
Guide to Biotechnology: Glossary
The IIDRSI is a glossary with more than 18,000 entries, more than 6,000 in French, English and Spanish and forms the basis for a complete information system on Rehabilitation