Translation Glossaries from the Web
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A comprehensive multilingual listing of online medical & biomedical dictionaries and glossaries on the Internet. Over 2,110 links to useful & informative medical & health-related web sites and medical dictionaries in 23 languages.
Glosario de demencias (Part I): enfermedad de Alzheimer
Adriana Cruz and Paz Gómez-Polledo |
English terms related to Alzheimer's disease and dementia generalities translated into Spanish, with a short explanation in Spanish. Downloadable PDF file.
Detailed definitions of medical terms in Russian, headwords in English.
Brain-related terminology
Neurolab Glossary
Neurolab JSC NASA | I was unable to find a central link for the glossary. In fact, I had to search for all the pages by trying different letters in the URL u... View more
Book Title: Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology: Including Many of the Principal Conceptions of Ethics, Logic, Aesthetics, Philosophy of Religion, Mental Pathology, Anthropology, Biology, Neurology, Physiology, Economics, Political and Social Philosophy, Philology, Physical Science, and Education and Giving a Terminology in English, French, Ger... View more
Short English glossary of brain terminology