The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

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suédois term anglais translation
"rullband" conveyor belt
"sanning och säga" to tell the truth, frankly speaking
100-språklig one hundred languages
7 kap 1-3 §§ chapter 7, sections 1-3
alltså pengarna byter bara produkt. that is, the money just changes product.
Entered by: Helene Olsen Richards
anknytningsperson relative residing in Sweden
arbetsgemenskap workplace community
att bita i det sura äpplet to swallow the bitter pill of failure, to bite into the sour apple, to bite the bullet
att hålla näsan ovanför vattenytan to keep your head above water
att lägga världen under sina fötter to have the world at your feet
att navigera genom försäljningskonstens alla snåriga avsnitt to navigate all the tricky avenues of the art of selling / to pick a way through the thicket of verbiage...
att rynka på näsan to turn up your nose (at something)
att skörda det du sådde to reap what you sowed
att slippa avoid, needn't, not have to, get out of
att smaka på framgångens saft to taste the sweet fruits of success
åsättande allocation, assessment
återförluta close again, reseal
öppen/sluten vård outpatient/inpatient care
Entered by: David Rumsey
ösa scoop, shovel, pour
överseende leende indulging smile
Entered by: Deane Goltermann
blåsa kiss it (and make it) better
bomärken graphic details
borgenspapper surety bond
brännvagn burn trolley
Det är dock endast genom att It is, however, only by (+ing, being, doing...)
det dagliga gnetet the daily grind
Det finns alltid utrymme mellan fötterna när de stora elefanterna dansar There\'s always room between feet when the big elephants dance
djupa glas deep glasses
DO-anmäla report to the Equality Ombudsman
dra två klick på handbromsen pull two clicks on the handbrake
Entered by: Rosica Dimitrova
drapa rant (in this context)
driftsnål operationally economic
ds. inst.; this month
ekonomi [personal] finances
en gammal räv a wily (old) bird
enl. domkap, förordnande as decreed by the (catherdral) chapter
Entered by: Mats Wiman
entrén vid 163:an the entrance at number 163
eviga fridsbonin garna likely ... in the eternal dwellings of peace
F n 0 For now 0 (or none)/For the time being 0 (or none)
fartfyllda action packed (events)
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