The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

anglais vers hindi Linguistique Translation Glossary

anglais term hindi translation
Declaration of conformity अनुपालन/अनुरूपता की घोषणा
draw aneernit
grasped/taken/seized/caught/held पकड़ा हुआ
halant हल् चिह्न (in this context)
health स्वास्थ्य, सेहत, तंदुरुस्ती, आरोग्य, निरोगता
Entered by: Balasubramaniam L.
memorizing new vocabulary made less tedious नई शब्žदावली को याद कर
Entered by: Deependra Pandey
non-rechargable अपुनरावेश्य/अपुनरावेशी/अपुनरावेशक या दुबारा चा
Entered by: Balasubramaniam L.
Ongoing basis आगे जारी रहेगी
SULTRY sultry=umasdAr=उमसदार
To ensure the highest standards of quality, each language database is maintained and edited by XXX GuNvattA kay uchchttam mAnak ko sunishchit karne kay liye pratyek bhAshaA kay soochnAkosh/database kA rakhrakhAv aur sampAdan XX
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