The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

anglais vers chinois Poésie et littérature Translation Glossary

anglais term chinois translation
对于“turned down\",是不是这样翻译最符合原文? 脱离俗世纷扰
free up a slot 开个空缺
It’s a Pine-etum. Not a deciduetum. 那是针叶林,不是阔叶林。
lift kit 提升/升降工具
servidore 僕人
"and the song was wordless; the singing Will never be done." 这是一首无言的歌曲,这是一场永无止境的歌唱。
"credentials for office ""alpha phi omega club" 任职资历/模范学生社团
"mammaw" and "pappaw" Nana and Yaya (阿妈 and 阿公)
"plater"and "trade plates" 亮牌搭车人
"sorry-looking ""dandyman" 垂头丧气/浪荡公子
"thermally cleansing ""delightfully bad" 热切地发泄欲求 / 兴高采烈地做恶
A Bird does not sing because it has an answer 不鸣则已,一鸣惊人
a close call 好险;九死一生;捡回一条命
a confirmed petrophile 一个冥顽不化的石痴
a man 一条汉子
a man will receive her should she returns 假如她回来,我会接纳她
a NERDY cat 书呆子猫/学霸猫
Entered by: Frank Feng
a part-time dilettante 玩票的
a pool of dribblings 流一堆口水
a recipe for national impotence 这是国力不济的权宜之计
a rush 亢奋
a solid collaboration of complementary capabilities (她是)与我才能互补的可靠战友
acting out 抓狂/发飚
ad hoc partnerships 专项合作
After all, how habit-forming can a single translation be? 说到底,仅凭一次翻译怎能形成习惯呢?
albeit 虽然
Although pleased to be so popular among my peers,... 在同僚中如此受欢迎令我很开心,然而(更令我很开心的是)
And eyes big love-crumbs 又见大块爱的碎屑
and the mainframe's laser printer delivered impeccable copy that was highly appr 大型计算机的激光打印机打印出来的文本完美无瑕很教客户欢喜
Animal stories 动物的故事
archimperialist 超级帝国主义者/彻头彻尾的帝国主义者
as if the very effort of concentrated lucidity produced the secretive and pleasu 像是他刻意經營所凝聚的剔透偏偏好於悄然造成他的智性自行摧毀一般
as long as they survive at all 语言要想能存活下来
aside 旁白
assess strength 掂量(彼此的)实力
at the very extremes 极端表现
“captain ”“lieutenant” 大队长 小队长
“internalized-within-it” moving away 若非身历其境,锤炼描述, 内省深入后超脱是无法形容此过程的
“speaking” the move “以言语形容此举
bestiary 动物寓言(集)
Entered by: Xu Dongjun
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