The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

néerlandais vers anglais Poésie et littérature Translation Glossary

néerlandais term anglais translation
aan vlijt ten onder gaan working ourselves into the grave
‘calimerogevoel’ 'underdog'
besteekband (bookcloth) headband
Die het kleine versmaadt is het groote niet waard. He that despises the little is not worthy of the great.
dwaallichtjes wisps, Will-o'-the-Wisps, fenlights, etc.
gué a ford
Havensnaken Scallywags
Ik zie het wel zitten + context I see my/our/the way clear
knepen folds
levenschrift; leven-schrift life writing; life-writing
Entered by: Michael Beijer
Narrigheden en narigheden jests and jolts
Oat, oat! Off with you
op scherp zetten to sharpen
Entered by: Dennis Seine
Overal heerscht de kastegeest en domperij! caste mentality and intolerance prevails everywhere
pikante geruchten juicy gossip
sagt soft
Entered by: Michael Beijer
Setiken met him, donderen op, ouwe sok, kedokmiter, perèk, lopen jou naden man. Choke’m up, get away (you) old fart!, bugger, go rot in hell, go take a trip to the moon, man!
sluizen en viaducten locks and viaducts
tot wirsien goot(e) day
turlelut turlelut
Entered by: Lianne van de Ven
uitgerangeerde kerkhistoricus a now marginalized church historian, a church historian of former importance
Entered by: Dennis Seine
volksschoonheid woman of vulgar beauty
zedenschets moral drama
Entered by: Anne Lee
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