The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

danois vers anglais Poésie et littérature Translation Glossary

danois term anglais translation
alvor serious, real
delt navnet split the name
en kunde engang ønskede skrevet ind a customer once wanted inscribed
fandens karl quite the stud
fine anmeldelser good / favourable reviews
forkætrede much despised, frowned upon, maligned
glædens land Land of Milk and Honey/Promised Land
hilsen til fremtiden greeting to the future
Husmoder the lady of the house
Entered by: Diarmuid Kennan
koste rundt med nogen ordere somebody about
luksusdyr creature of comforts
lyse af shone/shined through
Entered by: Lise Leavitt
med meget fine anmeldelser with very good reviews
mot de evige strande towards the eternal shores
overtydelig overly forceful
på gulvet the lowest person on the totem pole; the man in the street; the blue collars
punktroman punktroman (or pointillist novel)
pusseløjerlig quirky
rammende pointedly /incisive / aptly
rundet af folkedybet shaped by poverty
Skarp pen Sharp pen
skilt i fire Dele separated/split into four parts
skrøbelige kar weak vessels
Slægtens Offer Sacrificed for the clan (see other answers + comments)
Entered by: Christine Andersen
spasserhat wanker
Entered by: Maria Rosich Andreu
stoflighed textural effect
trakasserier struggles/pressures
Trækkene var åbne. her/his face was sincere / frank / candid
udtilbens make a nuisance of oneself
Vil jeg efterlade min ægtefælle i den bolig, vi bor i nu? Should I leave my spouse in the home in which we now live?
zir adornment (pynt)
Entered by: Susanne Rosenberg
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