Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

latch onto & catchment areas

Chinese translation:

抓住(针对) / 生源区(学区)

Added to glossary by Smartrans He
May 24, 2002 06:06
22 yrs ago
English term

latch onto & catchment areas

English to Chinese Other Education / Pedagogy Education
I latched onto that statement and requested that the project should initially be implemented in a number of schools where the socio-economic conditions of the catchment areas transtated in a higher than average number of children at risk attending the said schools.

Discussion May 24, 2002:
the whole sentence ��һ��Ҫ���룬��˵˵������ӵ���˼�� May 24, 2002:
translated transtated ������ translated��ԭ�IJ�̫����

Proposed translations

3 hrs

抓住(针对) / 生源区(学区)

latched onto that statement = 抓住(或针对)这一点(要点或观点)。具体的译法要看前面的 statement 究竟讲的是什么。从这里的下文推断,好像是提出计划的人的某种许诺,如达成什么样的目标等。文章的作者似乎是批准计划的管理者。针对这一点提出要求,作为批准该项计划的条件。

catchment areas = 生源区/学区
catchment areas 的原意是流域。但在这里是一种比喻。这个流域是学生之流的流域,指一个学校的学生来源所覆盖的地区。在美国、加拿大等国,学生的来源是按居住区划分的,所以通常叫做学区。

children at risk = 问题儿童

translated in = 解释为、转换为



Peer comment(s):

agree Libin PhD : Great. I think 生源区 is what is meant here.
17 mins
agree Danbing HE
1 day 5 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "佩服。您的推测与上下文非常接近。非常感谢!"
11 mins

了解、抓住;得到、取得;依靠;Catchment area = 汇集区,受水区、汇水面积

latched onto = 了解、抓住;得到、取得;依靠(美国俚语大全)。该词典说这是20世纪30年代美国黑人用语。

Catchment area = 汇集区,受水区、汇水面积

Note added at 2002-05-24 06:22:00 (GMT)


Note added at 2002-05-24 08:40:35 (GMT)

Kevin, 我想这里可以用抓住。


Note added at 2002-05-24 09:55:56 (GMT)

I thnik Xiaoping Fu\'s 生源区是这里的Catchment area的正确译法。可将上面的集水区改成生源区:

Peer comment(s):

agree zhiyu liu
48 mins
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1 hr

latch onto = 坚持;抱持;抱着不放;catchment areas = 流域

Bin Li, I found it is very difficult to the given translations (了解、抓住;得到、取得;依靠)to fit well in Chinese with the word for "statement". My suggestion is the following:
latch onto = 坚持;抱持;抱着不放;
I saw another dictionary translated it as 倾听。

latch onto (= latch on to) means (1) To attach oneself to; cling to. (2) To get possession of; obtain.

It is not clear if "that statement" mentioned in this sentence meant some words said by the speaker or someone else, or if "that statement" is a document. My suggestion would be:

"I latched onto that statement"

Another translation for "catchment areas" is 流域. In your case, it would be:
"the socio-economic conditions of the catchment areas" = 该流域的社会经济状况

Note added at 2002-05-24 07:48:56 (GMT)

\"transtated\" is very strange here. I do not recognize it. I hope it is \"translated\" as you suggested.

\"I latched onto that statement and requested that the project
should initially be implemented in a number of schools
where the socio-economic conditions of the catchment areas transtated in a higher than average number of children at risk attending the said schools.\"

Here is my translation for your reference only:

Note added at 2002-05-24 07:49:13 (GMT)

\"transtated\" is very strange here. I do not recognize it. I hope it is \"translated\" as you suggested.

\"I latched onto that statement and requested that the project
should initially be implemented in a number of schools
where the socio-economic conditions of the catchment areas transtated in a higher than average number of children at risk attending the said schools.\"

Here is my translation for your reference only:

Note added at 2002-05-24 07:56:26 (GMT)

Sorry about the typos in the opening sentence. I meant:

Bin Li, I found it is very difficult to make the given translations (了解、抓住;得到、取得;依靠) fit well in Chinese with the Chinese word for \"statement\". My suggestion is the following:
latch onto = 坚持;抱持;抱着不放;
I saw another dictionary translated it as 倾听。

Note added at 2002-05-24 17:46:15 (GMT)

Xiaoping\'s explanation made sense to me. I also did a search in Google and found many \"catchment area\" usages, among which I also found \"school catchment area\":

Now I want to revise my previous translation as:
catchment area = (学校的)学生来源区域
children at risk = 会出问题的学生

My revised translation is as follows:
\"I latched onto that statement and requested that the project should initially be implemented in a number of schools where the socio-economic conditions of the catchment areas transtated in a higher than average number of children at risk attending the said schools.\"

Note added at 2002-05-24 18:00:48 (GMT)

I do not agree to use 学区 for \"catchment area\". This is because there is another popular term \"school district\" is used in America and it is translated as 学区 . I do not believe \"catchment area\" and \"school district\" are the same. I would insist to translate \"catchment area\" as (学校的)学生来源区(域).
Peer comment(s):

agree Shirley Chen (X)
8 hrs
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6 hrs

針對 (latched onto); 區域 (catchement areas)

"latched onto"

-To my understanding, "latched onto" here carries the same meaning as the cantonese slang 打蛇隨棍上. In this light, the translations 抓住 and 抱著不放 seem out of place.

-The phrases 抓住這個說法 and 抱著那個說法不放 both seem to me too literal a translation. After all, we don't normally say that in Chinese, do we? Therefore I would agree with Mr fu that 針對 is a natural Chinese phrase that is closest to the expression in the source language.

"catchment areas"

-All of you are right to point out that "catchment areas" does mean "the entire area from which drainage is received by a body of water". (Webster's Third New International Dictionary) But in colloquial English, "catchment areas" may simply mean areas. For example, the catchment area of a pizza shop is the area within which they would deliver their pizzas. Or in education, for example, children can attend only the schools in the same catchment area as they live in. Here,as in the pizza shop example, it is very possible that the term "catchment area" does not have anything to do with the drainage or irrigation system.

-Although phrases like 匯流區 and 生源區 are both accurate translations of "catchment areas", they are a bit difficult to comprehend in Chinese. It is important to know who your target audience are. If they are members of the general public, it might be better to opt for an everyday term that carries (just as well) the meaning of the source text, rather than a specialised term that requires a certain amount of specialised knowledge to understand. Provided the colloquial use of the term "catchment area", I would simply translate the term as 區域.

My translation of the entire sentence is:

I have adopted the translations 社會經濟狀況不太理想 and 問題學童 becasue they are more precise and easier to comprehand for a Chinese reader than translations holding onto the English expression "the socio-economic conditions of the catchment areas transtated in a higher than average number of children at risk". As far as I am concerned, a literal translation in this case will make the syntax very complicated and the tranlation does seem more English-Chinese translation than Chinese. Although we are dealing with translation here, I always belive it is of utmost importance that a piece of translation is fluent and easily compresenible in the target language. 我想這是翻譯中遇到意譯還是直譯的難題。 學述界中關於這個問題的辯論有很多。我個人是主將意譯的﹐ 因為中﹐英文的用詞及語法很多時十分不同﹐我認為最重要的是譯文通順。 Of coure the translations are done with the assumption that it is becaues the socio-economic conditions in those areas are not desirable that the children attending schools are at a higher risk when compared to children in other areas. The context of the original text should tell you if this is the case.

Note added at 2002-05-24 12:55:19 (GMT)

I also agree with Mr Fu that 學區 is a very appropriate translation of \"catchment areas\" in this context. 學區 is easy to comprehend and more importanlty it has in itself a touch of specialisaiton, that is education, in the context of the sourse text.

Note added at 2002-05-24 12:56:54 (GMT)

Sorry about the typing mistake, I mean source text.
Peer comment(s):

agree Xiaoping Fu : Basically, I agree with your discussion of those theoretical problems. We can discuses them further later.
11 hrs
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5 days

My translation is like this:-


Note added at 2002-05-30 05:42:44 (GMT) Post-grading

Sorry, I mean \" 眖厩拜肈ㄠ担硅...\" . I have missed the word \"眖\".
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