What translators are working on

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What translation project are you working on right now?
Josephine Cassar posting from ProZ.com shared:

A report on a company's money laundering measures-the deficiencies and breaches and how these are to be rectified. Risk management is crucial to combat and minimise the impact of any cyber-related attacks. Inspections are carried out in collaboration with entities and these focus on IT and cyber security and measures have to be constantly reviewed to protect and upgrade IT systems.

kontrolli kontra l-ħasil tal-flus effettivi u qawwijin, kooperazzjoni iktar mil-qrib bejn l-awtoritajiet, tieħu ħsieb is-superviżjoni diretta kollha, riskji mhux finanzjarji, iridu jkunu ġestit b'mod iktar strinġenti u koerenti


I Do That

  • English to Maltese
  • 3500 words
  • Business/Commerce (general)