What translators are working on

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What translation project are you working on right now?
Josephine Cassar posting from ProZ.com shared:

An interesting survey from the EU about express delivery service-why a company makes use of such a service, for what, what impact there would be if such a service did not exist.

L-industrija ta' kunsinna b'ħeffa għandha rwol importanti peres li twassal prodotti f'postijiet remoti u iktar malajr, Nittrattaw it-tagħrif bl-akbar mod kunfidenzjali, Jekk jogħġbok agħti tagħrif dwar l-attività tiegħek, Kemm minn dak li tbigħ twassal b'kunsinna b'ħeffa?, X'inhuma r-raġunijiet ewlenin li l-kumpanija tiegħek tuża kunsinna b'ħeffa?


I Do That

  • English to Maltese
  • 1200 words
  • Business/Commerce (general)
  • MemSource Cloud