videos » 2010 Virtual Conference On-demand videos

Deep mining - get more than a fuzzy feeling

Deep mining - get more than a fuzzy feeling

Feb 15, 2011
4,880 views, 英語, uploaded by Daniel Benito

Deep mining - get more than a fuzzy feeling from CAT as presented by Daniel Benito from Atril, at's 2010 virtual conference for freelance translators.

Duration:60 minutes.

Price: $ 5.00

Product/brand localization strategies for international markets Q&A Session

Product/brand localization strategies for international markets Q&A Session

Nov 11, 2010
4,744 views, 英語, uploaded by Sales Admin

Recording of live Q&A session with presenter Ting Zhuang from the Nov 10th virtual conference for translation consumers.

State of the industry for translation buyers

State of the industry for translation buyers

Nov 11, 2010
3,917 views, 英語, uploaded by Sales Admin

Recording of State of the industry for translation buyers presented by Henry Dotterer at the Nov 10th virtual conference for translation consumers.

Forecasting the Future panel discussion

Forecasting the Future panel discussion

Nov 11, 2010
4,153 views, 英語, uploaded by Sales Admin

Recording of the Forecasting the Future panel discussion from the Nov 10th virtual conference for translation consumers.

Automated Translation Trends panel discussion

Automated Translation Trends panel discussion

Nov 11, 2010
3,844 views, 英語, uploaded by Sales Admin

Recording of the Automated Translation Trends panel discussion at the Nov 10th virtual conference for translation consumers.

Agile development and localization panel discussion

Agile development and localization panel discussion

Nov 11, 2010
4,460 views, 英語, uploaded by Sales Admin

Recording of the Agile development and localization panel discussion from the Nov 10th virtual conference for translation consumers

From fragmented translation outsourcing to value-added content production – the changing landscape of localization - Q&A Recording

From fragmented translation outsourcing to value-added content production – the changing landscape of localization - Q&A Recording

Nov 11, 2010
4,209 views, 英語, uploaded by Sales Admin

Recording of LIVE Q&A Session with From fragmented translation outsourcing to value-added content production – the changing landscape of localization presenters Mika Pehkonen & Suzana Reich at the Nov 10th virtual conference for translation consumers

Translation Quality & Localization Standards Live Q&A Recording - Nov 10th 2010

Translation Quality & Localization Standards Live Q&A Recording - Nov 10th 2010

Nov 11, 2010
4,026 views, 英語, uploaded by Sales Admin

Recording of live Q&A session with speaker Arle Lommel from the Nov 10th virtual conference for translation consumers.

How Much Quality Can We Afford? A Strategic View of the Value of Quality - Q&A Session

How Much Quality Can We Afford? A Strategic View of the Value of Quality - Q&A Session

Nov 11, 2010
3,951 views, 英語, uploaded by Sales Admin

Recording of live Q&A session with How Much Quality Can We Afford? A Strategic View of the Value of Quality presenter Alison Toon at the Nov 10th virtual conference for translation consumers

Product/brand localization strategies for international markets

Product/brand localization strategies for international markets

Nov 6, 2010
3,993 views, 英語, uploaded by Sales Admin

In this session, Ting will present product/brand globalization strategies for different international markets with Enwisen’s successful globalization case study.

Real world experience with community translation by Willem Stoeller

Real world experience with community translation by Willem Stoeller

Nov 6, 2010
4,559 views, 英語, uploaded by Sales Admin

Community translation - Real world examples of community translation - What role can community translation play? - Is there a role for professional translators? - How to manage community translation? - Technology solutions for community translation

Translation Quality & Localization Standards by Dr. Arle Lommel

Translation Quality & Localization Standards by Dr. Arle Lommel

Nov 6, 2010
5,030 views, 英語, uploaded by Sales Admin

In recent years localization standards have grown in importance. This presentation covers why standards are needed (and why they matter to individual translators as well as large companies), what current standards address, and how the standards landscape is evolving. We are currently seeing a shift from standards that focus on facilitating data migration and preserving linguistic assets to standards that focus on true interoperability between tools and components in an increasingly automated global supply chain. Ten years ago projects were accessible on a human scale, but as projects become larger and larger and involve more and more translators, suppliers, content creators, etc., they are moving past unaided human capability to a realm where only standardizing workflows and automating processes will allow translators to deliver value. At the same time, these shifts in the fundamental nature of how translation is carried out are having profound implications for the notion of “quality.” This presentation will cover six fundamentally different concepts of quality and how they apply to translation. Traditionally the industry has considered only a few of these definitions of quality, but the emergence of automated translation is forcing a reevaluation of what quality is and how to apply quality metrics for translation projects. The presentation will cover some of the changes in this area that can be expected in the next few years and how they will impact the translation industry.

 Reining in the Cloud—A Call for Managed Collaboration

Reining in the Cloud—A Call for Managed Collaboration

Nov 5, 2010
4,035 views, 英語, uploaded by Sales Admin

In “Reining in the Cloud,” terminology expert Uwe Muegge discusses the role of cloud sourcing in the localization process. In spite of the recognized advantages derived from cloud sourcing, the diminutive size of the professional localization community prevents language service providers from enjoying the same quality-oriented checks and balances inherent in large-scale collaborative efforts. In his presentation, Muegge proposes that managed collaboration is the only sound method of harnessing the “power of the cloud” for use in localization projects. He will delve into how the need for managed collaboration will affect the software as a service (SaaS) sector of the localization industry, specifically focusing on the functionality of next-generation translation memory and terminology management software. Among the new software functions necessitated by the industry-wide focus on cloud sourcing, Uwe will discuss a new approach to user profile management in collaborative translation software. To wit, Uwe will focus on data-specific permissions that, in terms of quality and security, enable organizations engaging in multilingual localization and their language service providers to effectively realize a productivity-driven, quality-based collaborative environment. Uwe’s presentation will explore the application of wiki-based technology in the realization of these goals. Namely, the allocation of user permissions, comprehensive version control, automatic notification functions, and complete traceability inherent in wiki-based software applications will be the focal point of the presentation, with special attention paid to how each of these aspects of functionality significantly improves upon the translation and localization process.

From fragmented translation outsourcing to value-added content production – the changing landscape of localization

From fragmented translation outsourcing to value-added content production – the changing landscape of localization

Nov 5, 2010
4,092 views, 英語, uploaded by Sales Admin

The localization department of F-Secure has transformed from development subprocess to internal service in order to accommodate agile software development. In addition to tools and process innovation, F-Secure has, during the course of this transformation, taken a deep hard look at how lean principles can be used in a distributed translation value chain to make sure that the added value produced by the translators and vendor project managers is not lost in the often fragmented agile environment

A buyer’s guide to translation services by Andrei Schwartz

A buyer’s guide to translation services by Andrei Schwartz

Nov 5, 2010
3,894 views, 英語, uploaded by Sales Admin

Linguistic bang for your buck Everyone needs to get a return on investment in their business. How can you make sure you keep costs low and returns high when investing in language services? Technological capabilities and flexible service levels are central to helping you achieve value for money. Translation buyers will discover what to look for in a translation services provider: · Does the translation company offer 24 hour coverage? · Do they only use professional translators working into their native tongue? · Does the company offer technology services to help streamline and automate the translation management process? · Does the company adhere to quality standards such as ISO? · How does the company recruit and assign translators to projects? · How important is previous subject-specific experience · To separate out what matters and what doesn’t matter when choosing a translation services provider. · Establish what role technology can play in cutting companies’ translation costs whilst improving quality. · Learn how involved your translation provider can become in your international communications: you can have a simple translation-only service, or a fully-integrated and automated workflow between your content management system, the translators and the translation company.

How Much Quality Can We Afford? A Strategic View of the Value of Quality by Alison Toon

How Much Quality Can We Afford? A Strategic View of the Value of Quality by Alison Toon

Nov 5, 2010
3,654 views, 英語, uploaded by Sales Admin

When we talk about quality we often are imprecise about what we mean and for whom we mean it. A customer’s notion of quality may be very different from that of employees or shareholders and finding the right balance between competing notions of quality can be a major challenge. In this presentation Alison Toon will discuss the various notions of quality and how businesses can put a value on them in order to find the proper balance. In addition, she will discuss the key problem with evaluating translation: If we do not know the quality of the source, how can we know the quality of the translation? Understanding the importance of the source can result in very different ways of looking at localization quality.

Keep yourself busy: how to market to agencies, forge relationships and ensure you’ve always got a steady flow of work

Keep yourself busy: how to market to agencies, forge relationships and ensure you’ve always got a steady flow of work

Nov 4, 2010
5,387 views, 英語, uploaded by Drew MacFadyen

Price: $ 5.00

Boost Your Productivity Now!

Boost Your Productivity Now!

Nov 4, 2010
4,316 views, 英語, uploaded by Drew MacFadyen

Price: $ 5.00

Why Localization Standards Matter to you - what are they, what do they do and how can you implement them by Andrzej Zydroń

Why Localization Standards Matter to you - what are they, what do they do and how can you implement them by Andrzej Zydroń

Nov 4, 2010
4,698 views, 英語, uploaded by Sales Admin

10 years ago we only had TMX. Today we have TBX, TBX Basic, SRX, XLIFF, W3C ITS, xml:tm, GMX, TR#29 as well as OAXAL. Can anyone digest this alphabet soup? Are there too many standards? How do they all fit together? How do you make them work? in fact they work remarkably well providing a seamless and very cost effective solution.

Evolution of a Localization Deparment by Karen Combe

Evolution of a Localization Deparment by Karen Combe

Oct 29, 2010
4,490 views, 英語, uploaded by Sales Admin

In this session Karen Combe will discuss the evolution of the PTC Localization Department. The department has changed significantly over the past 10 years, in terms of internal structure, position in the larger organization, interaction with other departments and strategy. Also, the department's mission has evolved as the company's product suite has grown, both organically and by acquisition. Karen will review efforts that have been successful as well as the ones that have needed revision,. She will also point out some conclusions that may be useful for others.

Trends and factors affecting rates in the translation industry recording Oct 13th event

Trends and factors affecting rates in the translation industry recording Oct 13th event

Oct 18, 2010
3,709 views, 英語, uploaded by Sales Admin

Recording of the Trends and factors affecting rates in the translation industry panel discussion at the Oct 13th virtual conference for translation agencies

Machine Translation Trend Panel Discussion Recording 10/13

Machine Translation Trend Panel Discussion Recording 10/13

Oct 18, 2010
3,919 views, 英語, uploaded by Sales Admin

Recording of panel discussion on Machine Translation Trends at the Oct 13th virtual conference for translation agencies

Project Management for Agencies Q&A session recording

Project Management for Agencies Q&A session recording

Oct 15, 2010
3,690 views, 英語, uploaded by Sales Admin

Recording of LIVE Q&A session with presenter Tom Connolly from the virtual conference for translation agencies held on Oct 13th 2010

Overcoming Winner's Curse when buying and selling translation services on the open market tenders and RFIs. Q&A recording

Overcoming Winner's Curse when buying and selling translation services on the open market tenders and RFIs. Q&A recording

Oct 15, 2010
3,782 views, 英語, uploaded by Sales Admin

Recording of live Q&A session with presenter Serge Gladkoff from the virtual conference for translation agencies on Oct 13th 2010

State of the translation industry 2010 for agencies Q&A session recording

State of the translation industry 2010 for agencies Q&A session recording

Oct 15, 2010
3,950 views, 英語, uploaded by Sales Admin

Recording of live Q&A session with presenter Jared Tabor during the virtual conference for translation agencies on Oct 13th 2010

Vendors & You – A Positive Partnership from the Start Q&A sesson recording

Vendors & You – A Positive Partnership from the Start Q&A sesson recording

Oct 15, 2010
3,555 views, 英語, uploaded by Sales Admin

Recording of LIVE Q&A session with presenter Eve Lindemuth Bodeux at the virtual conference for translation agencies on Oct 13th 2010

Transaltion Quality & Standards LIVE Q&A recording

Transaltion Quality & Standards LIVE Q&A recording

Oct 15, 2010
3,788 views, 英語, uploaded by Sales Admin

Recording of live Q&A session with presenter Arle Lommel at the virtual conference for translation agencies on Oct 13th 2010

SEO for translation agencies - LIVE Q&A recording

SEO for translation agencies - LIVE Q&A recording

Oct 15, 2010
3,994 views, 英語, uploaded by Sales Admin

Recording of LIVE Q&A session with presenter Stanislaw Czech at the Oct 13th virtual conference for translation agencies

SEO for translation agencies

SEO for translation agencies

Oct 12, 2010
3,757 views, 英語, uploaded by Sales Admin

Disintermediation: How Power is Going Back to the Translators by Renato Beninatto

Disintermediation: How Power is Going Back to the Translators by Renato Beninatto

Oct 12, 2010
4,526 views, 英語, uploaded by Sales Admin

Collaboration technology and widespread broadband access allows translation companies to remove steps and thus improve their workflow and processes. A natural development is the trend to remove intermediaries and work directly with the professional translator, skipping the single language vendor. This has implications for all the players: MLVs, SLVs, and freelancers. Renato discusses this trend.

Overcoming Winner's Curse when buying and selling translation services on the open market tenders and RFIs. by Serge Gladkoff

Overcoming Winner's Curse when buying and selling translation services on the open market tenders and RFIs. by Serge Gladkoff

Oct 12, 2010
3,795 views, 英語, uploaded by Sales Admin

"How much can I ask for it?" - that is the question. Reasonable buyer would not offer the highest possible bid in auction. Reasonable seller of professional services will not offer the lowest possible bid either. Serge discusses client - provider engagement and pricing policy from the point of view of game theory. The presentation is intended both for clients, who are interested in getting the lowest price possible retaining the best service providers, and for vendors, who are motivated to get fair price for their services and withhold the price pressure.

Vendors & You – A Positive Partnership from the Start by Eve Lindemuth Bodeux

Vendors & You – A Positive Partnership from the Start by Eve Lindemuth Bodeux

Oct 12, 2010
4,228 views, 英語, uploaded by Sales Admin

Translation vendors are your partners, and not a commodity or a necessary annoyance. This presentation will share ideas on how to improve your relationships with your vendors from day one. Having a strong and positive relationship with your vendors is not just a feel-good proposition: it makes good business sense. Positive relationships with your vendors help you, in turn, to strengthen relationships with your clients. If your translation vendors trust you and go the extra mile for you, your clients will see this in the end product that you deliver to them and appreciate working with you even more.

Project Management for Agencies by Tom Connolly

Project Management for Agencies by Tom Connolly

Oct 12, 2010
3,739 views, 英語, uploaded by Sales Admin

This webinar consists of a 1 hour instructor-led workshop to give people working in translation agencies an overview of a simple effective process for managing projects successfully. The workshop is designed for those whose job it is to participate in localisation projects so that schedule, quality and cost goals are achieved. The focus is on simple messages and techniques so that participants can improve their project management performance and awareness as soon as they return to the workplace.

Transaltion Quality & Standards presented by Dr. Arle Lommel

Transaltion Quality & Standards presented by Dr. Arle Lommel

Oct 12, 2010
4,173 views, 英語, uploaded by Sales Admin

In recent years localization standards have grown in importance. This presentation covers why standards are needed (and why they matter to individual translators as well as large companies), what current standards address, and how the standards landscape is evolving. We are currently seeing a shift from standards that focus on facilitating data migration and preserving linguistic assets to standards that focus on true interoperability between tools and components in an increasingly automated global supply chain. Ten years ago projects were accessible on a human scale, but as projects become larger and larger and involve more and more translators, suppliers, content creators, etc., they are moving past unaided human capability to a realm where only standardizing workflows and automating processes will allow translators to deliver value. At the same time, these shifts in the fundamental nature of how translation is carried out are having profound implications for the notion of “quality.” This presentation will cover how notions of quality are evolving and how these changing notions relate to standards and the future of the industry.

Quality in translation panel discussion - Sept 30 2010

Quality in translation panel discussion - Sept 30 2010

Oct 8, 2010
4,275 views, 英語, uploaded by Sales Admin

Recording of the Quality in translation panel at the Sept 30th 2010 freelance translator virtual conference.

Duration:60 minutes

Price: $ 5.00

Machine Translation Trend Panel Discussion

Machine Translation Trend Panel Discussion

Oct 7, 2010
4,248 views, 英語, uploaded by Sales Admin

Recording of machine translation trends panel discussion from the Sept 30th 2010 freelance translator virtual conference.

Duration:60 minutes

Price: $ 5.00

Trends and factors affecting rates in the translation industry panel discussion

Trends and factors affecting rates in the translation industry panel discussion

Oct 7, 2010
4,251 views, 英語, uploaded by Sales Admin

A panel discussion on rates charged by translators. On the panel will be two translators, two industry leaders and translation company CEOs, and a localization manager from an end client. Henry Dotterer of will moderate.

Duration:60 minutes

Price: $ 5.00

Specialization for today's freelance translator

Specialization for today's freelance translator

Oct 5, 2010
3,970 views, 英語, uploaded by Sales Admin

Fahd Hassanein moderates a panel discussion on Specialization with Omar Postigo-Martell, Suzanne Deliscar & Konstantin Kisin at's 2010 virtual conference.

Duration:60 minutes.

Price: $ 5.00

Marketing & promotion panel discussion

Marketing & promotion panel discussion

Oct 5, 2010
4,317 views, 英語, uploaded by Sales Admin

Konstantin Kisin moderates a panel discussion with Pritam Bhattacharyya, Suzanne Deliscar, and Tess Whitty at's 2010 virtual conference for freelance translators.

Duration:60 minutes

Price: $ 5.00

IMIA - medical interpreting video for 2010 virtual conference

IMIA - medical interpreting video for 2010 virtual conference

Oct 2, 2010
4,234 views, 英語, uploaded by Drew MacFadyen

Price: $ 5.00

Q&A Session - Is it worth investing in QA Processes? Tips to offer a high quality translation product.

Q&A Session - Is it worth investing in QA Processes? Tips to offer a high quality translation product.

Oct 2, 2010
4,211 views, 英語, uploaded by Sales Admin

Question & answer session following presentation at the 2010 virtual conference on September 30th with presenters Lorena Baudo and Susana Vivas. Moderated by staff member Enrique Cavalitto, PMP.

Duration:60 minutes

Price: $ 5.00

State of the translation industry 2010

State of the translation industry 2010

Oct 2, 2010
4,687 views, 英語, uploaded by Sales Admin

The State of the industry 2010 is a report on some of the changes that are affecting translators, as told by translators. In this report we will look briefly at some of the trends, obstacles and opportunities to freelance work in the industry today, and how freelance translators are dealing with these trends.

Duration:60 minutes

Pro bono work – dos and don'ts by Attila Piróth

Pro bono work – dos and don'ts by Attila Piróth

Sep 27, 2010
5,571 views, 英語, uploaded by Sales Admin

In this presentation Attila will share his experience and views on pro bono work, focusing on the main question: Under what circumstances can free work and professional ethics be reconciled? The description of the Solidarités team's workflow will also show how high quality can be achieved in team work – and pinpoint the components that are most often missing in crowdsourced projects.

Attila’s experience in the field stems from a three-year collaboration with the Solidarités team (, set up in 2007 with the double aim of providing pro bono linguistic aid to humanitarian NGOs and of creating a place for translators to network and learn. 2009 was a milestone for the team: its main beneficiary, the French NGO Solidarités created paid 3-month internship positions for two team members who had just started their professional career. The success of this first internship program led to a second one in 2010 – and to a third position, to which attendees of the conference may apply.

Duration:60 minutes

How to stand out in the translation market

How to stand out in the translation market

Sep 24, 2010
4,323 views, 英語, uploaded by Sales Admin

Mats will elaborate on factors that are important in order to position yourself favorably in a very competitive marketplace and how to use tools and strategies to get clients to believe in the wisdom of not looking for the 'cheapest translator around'.

- Learn how to create trust and confidence with agencies and end customers and how to avoid common pitfalls in negotiation.

- This is an improved version of his Oxford/Krakow/Edinburgh/Budapest/Kharkov/BDÜ Berlin lecture.

- A thought-provoking checklist and food for thought for newbies and the experienced.

Duration:60 minutes

Price: $ 5.00 2009 virtual conference session - and the future of the translation industry 2009 virtual conference session - and the future of the translation industry

Sep 24, 2010
3,789 views, 英語, uploaded by Sales Admin

Founder and President Henry Dotterer speaks about the community and the future of the translation industry. 2009 virtual conference session - Earning Higher Rates? 2009 virtual conference session - Earning Higher Rates?

Sep 24, 2010
3,505 views, 英語, uploaded by Sales Admin

Mats will elaborate on factors that are important in order to position yourself favorably in a very competitive marketplace and how to use tools and strategies to get clients to believe in the wisdom of not looking for the 'cheapest translator around'. - Learn how to create trust and confidence with agencies and end customers and how to avoid common pitfalls in negotiation. - This is an improved version of his Oxford/Krakow/Edinburgh/Budapest/Kharkov/BDÜ Berlin lecture. - A thought-provoking checklist and food for thought for newbies as well as the experienced. 2009 virtual conference session - Negotiation for translators & answering tough questions 2009 virtual conference session - Negotiation for translators & answering tough questions

Sep 24, 2010
5,197 views, 英語, uploaded by Sales Admin

This presentation will give freelancers an opportunity to learn about negotiation techniques specific to their needs. How to promote their business though, and how to answer tough questions posed by their clients with great answers. A resource document gives ready to use examples of questions and answers specific to freelancers. 2009 virtual conference session - Working with Logoport 2009 virtual conference session - Working with Logoport

Sep 24, 2010
3,871 views, 英語, uploaded by Sales Admin

Introduction to Logoport Presented by Marcus CasalIn this presentation Marcus will showcase Lionbridge's innovative language asset management system Logoport. Unlike other translation memory systems, Logoport places translation memories and glossaries (collectively ""language assets"") into a central repository, stores them securely in a single location and supports many thousands of concurrent users. Enabling efficient management and sharing of translation memory systems and glossaries across products, divisions, and functional groups of a client company. Moreover, Marcus will present an overview of Logoport from a translator's perspective-how a translator works with Logoport. From the easy to use Microsoft Word client, to the industry standard powered XLIFF editor and the intuitive glossary features, Logoport presents a limited learning curve to experienced translators, while offering advantages to both translators and customers by granting all team members access to all assets in real time. Accordingly, Logoport allows for greater linguistic consistency and less project overhead. Finally, Marcus will review the web-based administrator functionality for a ""behind the scenes"" look at how projects are created and managed. 2009 virtual conference session - Learn how SDL Trados can make you more productive with 5 top tips 2009 virtual conference session - Learn how SDL Trados can make you more productive with 5 top tips

Sep 24, 2010
4,475 views, 英語, uploaded by Sales Admin

Learn how SDL Trados Studio can make you more productive with 5 top tips.

Duration:60 minutes

Price: $ 5.00

Déjà vu X

Déjà vu X

Sep 24, 2010
4,458 views, 英語, uploaded by Sales Admin

The webcast consists of a brief demonstration of the main features in Déjà Vu X, mainly concentrating on the ease of use and efficiency of the translation environment it provides, as well as highlighting some of the unique features that distinguish it from other tools.

Duration: 60 minutes

Price: $ 5.00 2009 virtual conference session - Working with an Agency: thebigword 2009 virtual conference session - Working with an Agency: thebigword

Sep 24, 2010
4,129 views, 英語, uploaded by Sales Admin

With over 30 years of experience, we’re proud to have become one of the world’s largest and most trusted interpreting and translating companies. Our experts work closely with a variety of businesses the world over. Everyone at thebigword is passionate about providing a personal service to our multinational customers across Europe, America and Asia. This is also something that we especially look for in our fellow linguists, where by working together we can continue to grow. Please join Rachel Stephen, Global Resource Manager, as she provides an introduction to the company and speaks about the affects of economic downturn and thebigword’s significant growth during this period. She will also give an insight into what skills and experience we look for in a linguist and valuable tips on how to get noticed by an agency. 2009 virtual conference session - Getting the most out of your profile 2009 virtual conference session - Getting the most out of your profile

Sep 24, 2010
3,630 views, 英語, uploaded by Sales Admin

An introductory presentation on how to use your profile to get the most out of, boost your visibility to potential clients, and better market yourself as a language professional.

Becoming an Interpreter by Irina Jesionowski & Jinny Bromberg

Becoming an Interpreter by Irina Jesionowski & Jinny Bromberg

Sep 23, 2010
5,186 views, 英語, uploaded by Sales Admin

Seemingly, the only difference between interpretation and translation is in the form in which the message is being delivered from one language into another: translators do it in writing, while interpreters provide “instantaneous oral” reformulation. However, the differences in skill sets, personal traits, aptitudes, and working environments are significant. In this presentation, we will discuss professional characteristics of a competent interpreter, modes of interpretation, areas of specialization, and training options for aspiring interpreters. Attendees will be offered a brief aptitude test in the language-neutral format.

Duration:40 minutes

Price: $ 5.00

Working for translation agencies - my view as an agency owner by Johanna Angulo

Working for translation agencies - my view as an agency owner by Johanna Angulo

Sep 18, 2010
4,238 views, 英語, uploaded by Sales Admin

This presentation covers key elements to work with translation agencies, such as translator competencies, key factors to find the right employer, translation tests, quality management and corporative or business communications.

This presentation will serve as an overview so you can take the appropriate measures to get and maintain new clients!

Learning objectives:

1. Be familiar with work procedures in translation agencies
2. Understand how quality is measured in translation tests
3. Identify key elements to receive work from agencies

Duration:20 minutes.

Price: $ 5.00 Training Preview: Pricing for services by Pritam Bhattacharyya Training Preview: Pricing for services by Pritam Bhattacharyya

Sep 18, 2010
3,754 views, 英語, uploaded by Sales Admin

Sneak peak at the following training session: Pricing is not simple arithmetic but is encrypted business signature of your products and services. There is a complete art, science and commerce behind pricing. Pricing also tells many things about your business, brand and quality. To premium and valued clients, your price is one of the key differentiator. Training Preview: PDF Translation by Mauricio Coitiño Training Preview: PDF Translation by Mauricio Coitiño

Sep 17, 2010
4,652 views, 英語, uploaded by Sales Admin

Sneak peak of the following SELF-PACED training course: PDF Translation course objectives: • To introduce trainees to the nature and applications of the PDF format so as to enable them to anticipate the complexities of and budget for translation projects. • To present trainees with the methods and software tools for the translation of PDF files of different nature.

Is it worth investing in QA Processes? Tips to offer a high quality translation product by Lorena Baudo & Susana Vivas

Is it worth investing in QA Processes? Tips to offer a high quality translation product by Lorena Baudo & Susana Vivas

Sep 17, 2010
4,233 views, 英語, uploaded by Sales Admin

In this session, we will develop the following aspects of Quality Assurance implementation to a translation product, and in this order: Linguistic knowledge of both source and target languages will be taken for granted; however, we, as reviewers, have detected two kinds of mistakes in translation projects completed by “high quality” translators: human-translation related mistakes and CAT-tool related mistakes. The former are only detectable by and dependent upon the vision and competence of the translator, and the latter are easily spotted if using the whole variety of QA automatic features available through current CAT tools. To avoid human-translation related mistakes, we propose a switch in the approach translations usually take: we should start looking at the translation product - not only the text- from the editor's / reviewer's point of view. Here, we will analyze the following concepts: Micro vs. macro perspective: The global vision of the reviewer compared to the micro linguistic approach. How to see the text as the client does. Damage avoidance: Minor, major & critical mistakes Mistakes related to language, formatting and processes Besides, we will provide specific examples as to how a reviewer scores a translation. Feedback. As to CAT-tool related aspects, we will analyze the most significant QA features available through some paid and free software. Among these features, we will go through: Spell checker Grammar Punctuation Number mismatch Terminology: glossary and forbidden terms Regular expressions Inconsistencies Placeholder check Formatting. We will finish by summarizing in a useful checklist all aspects that should never be overlooked before delivering a translation product, in relevance order.

Project Management for Translators	 by Tom Connolly

Project Management for Translators by Tom Connolly

Sep 17, 2010
4,019 views, 英語, uploaded by Sales Admin

This session consists of an instructor-led workshop to give translators an overview of a simple effective process for managing projects successfully. The workshop is designed for translators whose job it is to participate in localisation projects so that schedule, quality and cost goals are achieved. The focus is on simple messages and techniques so that participants can improve their project management performance and awareness as soon as they return to the workplace.

Duration:60 minutes

Price: $ 5.00

The Future of Translation: Leveraging Online Translation Marketplaces by Anas Tawileh

The Future of Translation: Leveraging Online Translation Marketplaces by Anas Tawileh

Sep 17, 2010
6,056 views, 英語, uploaded by Sales Admin

In this presentation, we will present the latest developments of online translation technologies, and highlight the emergence of concepts like online translation marketplaces, machine and hybrid translation and ecosystems. We will also discuss the impact that these technologies will have on the translation profession, and provide insights on how professional translators can leverage these developments to improve their business and deliver high quality translations.

Duration:60 minutes

Price: $ 5.00

PDF files: Getting Blood From a Stone by Peter Linton

PDF files: Getting Blood From a Stone by Peter Linton

Sep 17, 2010
6,014 views, 英語, uploaded by Sales Admin

The overall purpose of this session is to discuss the problems and possible solutions to handling PDF files. These are becoming increasingly common on the Internet and elsewhere, but present translators with particular problems because we need to convert the PDF file into editable text -- whereas PDF files are specifically intended not to be edited.

Duration:60 minutes

Price: $ 5.00

How freelance translators can benefit from learning search engine optimisation (SEO) techniques by Ioana Mihailas

How freelance translators can benefit from learning search engine optimisation (SEO) techniques by Ioana Mihailas

Sep 17, 2010
4,855 views, 英語, uploaded by Sales Admin

How freelance translators can benefit from learning search engine optimisation (SEO) techniques.
Many translation agencies offer internet marketing services that are related to translation – such as keyword research and website localisation – so by learning the tricks of the trade, you can increase your employability.
You can also learn how to market yourself online, through creating and optimising your own website or blog. Building an online presence is vital for everyone in the business game – from small business and freelancers, to large corporations and public sector organisations.
Learning the basics of search engine optimisation – essentially, the art of ranking highly on Google, Yahoo!, Bing and other search engines – can make freelance translators more employable.

Duration:60 minutes

Price: $ 5.00

Taming The Thousand-faced Beast: Anatomization of Linguistic Quality, Measuring The Opinion into the Fact by Serge Gladkoff

Taming The Thousand-faced Beast: Anatomization of Linguistic Quality, Measuring The Opinion into the Fact by Serge Gladkoff

Sep 17, 2010
4,392 views, 英語, uploaded by Sales Admin

The presentation will dwell into the understanding of what linguistic quality is, and how to handle measuring it to build in as the process step.

Intended for all categories – translators will understand why they are rated as they are rated, and clients can see how to implement the measurement of what is not measurable by definition – human perception.

Duration:60 minutes

Price: $ 5.00

Specialization is a key to quality and quality work equals success by Fahd Hassanein

Specialization is a key to quality and quality work equals success by Fahd Hassanein

Sep 17, 2010
4,518 views, 英語, uploaded by Sales Admin

Specialization is a key to quality and quality work equals success.

Ever since we started growing and progressing in education and life, attitudes around us were often supportive of what we have often heard: A jack of all trades is a master of none. And as we grew more into different careers and in a challenging world, specialization has become a key to providing quality work. And in a world where so many people are selling goods that look alike, quality has become the variable that guarantees success. How specialization leads to quality work and how quality is the guarantee for success is the topic of this session.

Duration:60 minutes

Price: $ 5.00

Is your Translation Business Struggling? Maximize it by Developing a Strong Brand by Marcela Jenney

Is your Translation Business Struggling? Maximize it by Developing a Strong Brand by Marcela Jenney

Sep 17, 2010
4,650 views, 英語, uploaded by Sales Admin

Branding is about building a name for yourself and your business, showcasing what sets you apart from others—who you are, what you believe in, your values, your personality. It is your Unique Promise of Value. If your translation business is not a brand, it's a commodity, and commodities compete on price. To avoid the price wars, learn how to create a brand that will bring in clients based on who you are and your unique promise of value.

Duration:60 minutes

Price: $ 5.00

Managing your Online Reputation by Marcela Jenney

Managing your Online Reputation by Marcela Jenney

Sep 17, 2010
4,123 views, 英語, uploaded by Sales Admin

We've all seen the increasing media coverage about why professionals need to be concerned with their online identities. There are stories about digital dirt, people being fired or hired for blogging, the effect of social networking sites on career management, etc. But, have you thought about your own online identity lately?
Your Google results may be the determining factor in whether a prospective employer or recruiter calls you. People are making decisions about you based on what they find online. Even if you do have a professional, differentiated website, when you only have a few Google results you could be dismissed as not being a credible expert. Does your Web identity present you as you want to be known? This presentation discusses four steps to get you started

Duration:60 minutos

Price: $ 5.00 Training Preview: Personal Branding for business success by Marcela Jenney Training Preview: Personal Branding for business success by Marcela Jenney

Sep 17, 2010
3,554 views, 英語, uploaded by Sales Admin

This sneak peak at the 1-hour presentation is for professional translators with a formal education in translation and/or already working as translators or for small translation agency owners. This presentation is NOT intended for inexperienced translators or for those who do not have any formal education in translation.

Specialize for Your Own Good by Omar Postigo-Martell

Specialize for Your Own Good by Omar Postigo-Martell

Sep 17, 2010
4,252 views, 英語, uploaded by Sales Admin

Learning objectives include:

The audience will able to:
a. Define what they are passionate about and why?
b. Who is their client?
c. How to compare and contrast other offerings to theirs.
d. State and describe your business proposition.
e. Identify and promote 5 ways to sell your expertise and specialization."

Duration:60 minutes

Price: $ 5.00

SEO for freelance translators - how can you promote your website yourself by Stanislaw Czech

SEO for freelance translators - how can you promote your website yourself by Stanislaw Czech

Sep 17, 2010
4,009 views, 英語, uploaded by Sales Admin

Practical presentation of Search Engine Optimization intended to give every attendant a clear idea how in a few simple steps can significantly improve visibility of his/her website in Google and other search engines and direct traffic to the website. Session covers both internal optimization of a website and external optimization. Majority of presented information may be also applied to promotion of profiles at

Duration:60 minutes.

Price: $ 5.00 Training Preview: Be Special by Suzanne Deliscar Training Preview: Be Special by Suzanne Deliscar

Sep 17, 2010
3,668 views, 英語, uploaded by Sales Admin

The ""Be Special"" course is taught by a lawyer-linguist who has combined her unique qualities to build her translation business. The following topics will be discussed: 1. Why Be Special? 2. Discovering your Special Qualities 3. Your Marketing Materials - Make Sure They Remember You 4. How to Build Your Special Personal Brand through Social Media 5. Your 30 Second Informercial Makes You Special 6. How to Respond to the Question: ""You Do This AND That?"" 7. Becoming Unique Through Your Work and Areas of Expertise At the end of this course, language professionals should be able to understand the basics of how to become memorable in the eyes of their clients and colleagues.

Empower yourself with Machine Translation by Elia Yuste

Empower yourself with Machine Translation by Elia Yuste

Sep 17, 2010
5,340 views, 英語, uploaded by Sales Admin

This session deals with how MT, and in particular domain-specific MT applications, can empower not just large corporations´ globalization departments but freelance translators and language service providers alike. Targeting these two important user segments, we will analyze their needs, suggest what slant they ought to have toward MT and present the key assets of PangeaMT, our domain-specific and highly customizable MT solutions. During the presentation we will also tackle some hot topics in relation to machine translation, such as open standards, technology independence, optimized workflow, translation quality, MT post-editing, and productivity. We look forward to an interactive Q&A round with as many participants as possible in the last part of the session.

Duration:60 minutes

Price: $ 5.00