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Zoe Perry
Translation for Publishing and the Arts

United States
Local time: 18:13 EDT (GMT-4)

Native in: English (Variants: Canadian, US) Native in English
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Portuguese to English: Financial magazine article
General field: Bus/Financial
Detailed field: Journalism
Source text - Portuguese
O mercado brasileiro pode ser palco de uma ou outra oferta pública inicial de ação (IPO, na sigla em inglês) ainda em 2012, de acordo com o diretor-presidente da BM&FBovespa, Edemir Pinto. Há entre duas e três empresas preparadas para abrir capital na bolsa assim que houver oportunidade para captações em renda variável, segundo ele. "São modelos de negócio conhecidos, além de boas histórias", disse Edemir, sem citar nomes, ontem.
No entanto, ele confirmou que o cenário de indefinição no exterior tem preocupado os investidores internacionais. Esse sentimento impacta o mercado brasileiro que, conforme Edemir, é muito dependente do cenário externo, uma vez que o investidor estrangeiro tem grande relevância aqui. "A indecisão sobre quando virá uma solução definitiva para a crise europeia está deixando os investidores estrangeiros mais preocupados. Achávamos que uma possível solução viria há duas semanas, mas sempre há uma prorrogação", observou.
Questionado sobre se a bolsa brasileira estava "andando de lado" - jargão do mercado financeiro usado quando a bolsa não apresenta tendência definida - em meio ao contexto atual, Edemir disse que a bolsa está com muita volatilidade por causa, justamente, desta indefinição no cenário externo. Este ano apenas três empresas abriram capital na BM&FBovespa: Locamerica, do segmento de frota, o banco de investimento BTG Pactual e a fabricante de móveis Unicasa. Além deles, a Taesa, subsidiária da Cemig, fez um "re-IPO", segundo a companhia, uma vez que a mesma já tinha ações listadas na bolsa. Edemir participou nesta segunda-feira de evento que marcou o início da negociação de contratos de futuro de S&P500, listados e negociados na Bolsa de Chicago, na BM&FBovespa.
O Brasil tem chamado a atenção dos investidores asiáticos. Somente de janeiro a agosto de 2012, os coreanos negociaram R$ 5 bilhões na BM&FBovespa. Entre 2008 e 2011, os investimentos coreanos na bolsa brasileira somaram R$ 33,3 bilhões.
Além das ações, os asiáticos também têm injetado recursos via Investimento Estrangeiro Direto (IED). De janeiro a julho de 2012, a Coreia destinou US$ 712 milhões para esta modalidade no Brasil, o que representa 2% de todo o IED. Atualmente, estão ativas 2.689 contas de coreanos no país - processo pelo qual todo não residente deve passar para viabilizar seus investimentos no Brasil.
A corretora de valores Mirae Asset assinou esta semana um acordo de cooperação com a Brasil Investimentos e Negócios (Brain), associação de entidades do mercado financeiro e de capitais do Brasil, para apresentar o País aos estrangeiros.
Translation - English
The Brazilian market may see one or two initial public offerings (IPO) before the end of 2012, according to the CEO of BM&FBovespa, Edemir Pinto. According to him, there are two to three companies prepared to go public on the stock market as soon as there is opportunity for raising equity. "These are known business models, as well as good stories”, Edemir said yesterday, without citing any names.
He nevertheless confirmed that the atmosphere of uncertainty abroad has worried international investors. This sentiment impacts the Brazilian market, which, according to Edemir, is very dependent on the external environment, since foreign investors are highly relevant here. "Indecision about the arrival of a permanent solution to the European crisis is making foreign investors more worried. We thought a possible solution would come two weeks ago, but it’s always pushed back", he noted.
Asked whether Brazil is currently in a “sideways market", – financial market jargon for when a market shows no definitive trend – Edemir said that the exchange is very volatile precisely because of this uncertainty abroad. This year only three companies went public on BM&FBovespa: Locamerica, in the vehicle leasing sector, investment bank BTG Pactual, and furniture manufacturer Unicasa. In addition, Taesa, a subsidiary of Cemig, did a "re-IPO", according to the company, since it already had shares listed on the exchange. Edemir participated in the event this Monday which marked the start of trading of S&P 500 futures contracts, listed and traded on the Chicago Stock Exchange, on BM&FBovespa.
Brazil has drawn the attention of Asian investors. From January to August 2012 alone, Koreans negotiated R$5 billion on BM&FBovespa. Between 2008 and 2011, Korean investments on the Brazilian exchange totaled R$33.3 billion.
In addition to shares, Asians have also injected funds through Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). From January to July 2012, Korea invested US$ 712 million in Brazil, representing 2% of all FDI. There are currently 2,689 active Korean accounts in the country – a process all non-residents must go through in order to enable investment in Brazil.
This week the brokerage firm Mirae Asset signed a cooperation agreement with Brazil Investments and Business (BRAiN), the Brazilian association of financial and capital market entities, to introduce the country to foreigners.
Portuguese to English: Music Review
General field: Art/Literary
Detailed field: Journalism
Source text - Portuguese
O universo literário de Clarice Lispector tem criado uma delicada ligação entre os últimos trabalhos de Ivo Perelman. Apesar das diferentes parcerias e resultados obtidos em cada um dos (com este) cinco discos que foram batizados com o nome de uma obra da escritora, no futuro é possível que esse conjunto passe a ser conhecido como “ciclo clariceano”. A mais nova peça dessa série trata-se deste “The hour of star”, título extraído do último livro publicado em vida por Lispector (1920-1977).

É curioso que, superados os 20 anos de sua estréia em disco –que ocorreu com “Ivo”, em 1989–, Perelman tenha convocado Clarice Lispector para iluminar a entrada na terceira década de sua jornada artística. Dona de uma escritura densa, repleta de personagens em busca de respostas para seus anseios cotidianos e seus temores mais sombrios, Lispector vai além do simples narrar, desnudando as palavras e conduzindo os leitores a um mundo de devaneio, ora anestesiando, ora dilatando perigosamente os sentidos. Como explica o músico, o texto da escritora “transcendendo a palavra, se torna um poderoso agente de expansão da mente humana”. O mesmo se pode dizer da obra do saxofonista e, em especial, desse “The hour of star”: ouvi-lo é ter a possibilidade de ir além da simples fruição de uma bela música. Trata-se aqui de descobrir momentos de inspiração rara que arrebatam o ouvinte, tirando-o de sua zona de conforto e convidando-o a aceitar o desafio de adentrar um cosmo novo, com todos os riscos inerentes a tal empreitada. No fim, será difícil não encarar “The hour of star” como uma pequena preciosidade, fruto do brilhantismo de seus quatro condutores.
Translation - English
The literary universe of Clarice Lispector has knit a delicate bond among Ivo Perelman’s latest work. Despite the different partnerships and results obtained in each one of the now five albums named for one of the author’s works, in the future this collection may simply become known as the “Claricean Cycle”. The newest piece from this series is “The Hour of the Star”, its title taken from the last book published by Lispector (1920-1977) while she was alive.

20 years since his album debut (with “Ivo”, in 1989), it’s odd that Perelman has called upon Clarice Lispector to light the way into the third decade of his artistic journey. A master of dense writing, filled with characters searching for answers to their everyday longings and their darker fears, Lispector goes beyond simple narration, stripping down the words and leading readers to a world of daydream, one moment anesthetized, the next dangerously expanding the senses. As the musician explains, the writer’s text “transcending the word, becomes a powerful agent for expanding the human mind”. The same can be said about the saxophonist’s work, especially “The Hour of the Star”. Hearing it means being able to go beyond the simple enjoyment of a beautiful piece of music. Here it’s about discovering moments of rare inspiration that grab the listener, taking them out of their comfort zone, inviting them to accept the challenge of entering a new realm, with all the risks inherent in such a venture. In the end, it would be difficult not to consider “The Hour of the Star” as a small treasure, the fruit of the brilliance of its four driving forces.
French to English: Travel editorial from fashion magazine
General field: Marketing
Detailed field: Tourism & Travel
Source text - French
Vous entendrez souvent les parisiens dire qu'il y a 2 endroits où ils ne vont jamais à Paris : les champs Élysées et Montmartre. Parce que trop touristique, trop cliché, pas assez underground, pas le Paris des vrais Parisiens.
Si je trouve cela très vrai pour les Champs Élysées, je dois avouer qu'avec le temps j'ai appris à apprécier les petits coins reculés de Montmartre, les petites places cachées, ses cafés et sa population très amoureuse de son quartier.
Et même si c'est cliché, une balade en fin de journée du côté du Sacré Cœur, avec son amoureux, une petite jupette qui fluo qui flashe et des jolis talons qui claquent sur le pavé, ça reste définitivement un must.
Translation - English
You’ll often hear Parisians say there are two places they never go in Paris: the Champs-Elysees and Montmartre. It’s too touristy, too cliché, not underground enough, not the real Paris of Parisians.
While I find that very true for the Champs-Elysees, I have to admit that I have learned to appreciate the little far-flung corners of Montmartre over time, with its hidden-away squares, cafés and people, deeply in love with their neighborhood.
And even if it’s cliché, an evening stroll by Sacré Coeur, with your lover, a bright, flashy miniskirt and some pretty heels that click on the pavement, is still definitely a must.
French to English: Excerpt from a book on indigenous communities
General field: Social Sciences
Detailed field: International Org/Dev/Coop
Source text - French
Selon le droit international, le droit à l’autodétermination n’est pas synonyme de droit unilatéral à l’autodétermination et à la sécession. Il n’est pas correct de suggérer que le droit humain à l’autodétermination ne devrait pas être réaffirmé dans la Déclaration parce qu’il peut être mal interprété et compris comme donnant à une sous-catégorie particulière de la population nationale un droit unilatéral à l'autodétermination et à la sécession, mettant en danger l’unité politique et l’intégrité territoriale d'un pays. N’importe quel droit humain peut être « mal interprété » mais ce n’est pas une raison valable de s’opposer à ce droit.

Le rapport de la commission sur les populations/communautés autochtones affirme clairement que le droit à l’autodétermination ne constitue en aucun cas une menace envers l'intégrité territoriale des pays africains :

«Les droits collectifs appelés 'droits des peuples' devraient être applicables à certaines catégories de populations au sein des Etats-nations, y compris les peuples autochtones, mais le droit à l'autodétermination tel qu'il est contenu dans les dispositions de la Charte de l'OUA ainsi que dans celles de la Charte africaine, ne doit pas être compris comme une consécration des sentiments sécessionnistes. L'autodétermination des peuples doit donc s'exercer à l'intérieur des frontières nationales inviolables d'un Etat, en tenant dûment compte de la souveraineté de l'Etat-nation »

Un grand nombre d'Etats africains partage cette acceptation moderne et fonctionnelle du droit à l’autodétermination. Il s'agit notamment de la section 123 de la constitution sud-africaine qui précise:

« Le droit à l'autodétermination des peuples de l'Afrique du Sud dans leur ensemble, tel que stipulé dans cette constitution, n’écarte pas la possibilité que soit reconnu, dans le cadre de ce droit, la notion du droit à l'autodétermination d'une communauté quelconque partageant un héritage culturel et linguistique, au sein d'une entité territoriale de la République ou de toute autre manière, qui soit déterminée par la législation nationale ».

De plus, il n'existe pas en Afrique une seule communauté autochtone qui veuille devenir un Etat indépendant ou qui menace son pays de sécession. Ces peuples ou communautés cherchent plutôt à faire valoir certains aspects du droit à l'autodétermination qui ne menacent pas l'intégrité territoriale, notamment le droit de participer pleinement à la vie nationale, le droit à une autogestion locale, le droit d’être consulté et de participer à l’élaboration de certaines lois et programmes, le droit à une reconnaissance et valorisation de leurs structures traditionnelles ainsi que la liberté de jouir et de promouvoir leur culture.
Translation - English
According to international law, the right to self-determination is not synonymous with the unilateral right to self-determination and secession. It is incorrect to suggest that the human right to self-determination should not be reaffirmed in the Declaration because it may be misinterpreted and understood as giving a particular subcategory of the national population a unilateral right to self-determination and secession, jeopardizing a country’s political unity and territorial integrity. Any human right may be “misinterpreted”, but that is not a valid reason to oppose that right.
The report from the Commission on Indigenous Populations/Communities clearly states that the right to self-determination does not by any means constitute a threat against the territorial integrity of African countries:
“Collective rights called ‘peoples’ rights’ should be applicable to certain categories of populations within nation-states, including indigenous peoples, but the right of self-determination as it is contained in the provisions of the Charter of the Organization of African Unity as well as those in the African Charter, should not be understood to be a recognition of secessionist sentiments. The self-determination of a people, therefore, should be exercised inside the inviolable national borders of a state, duly taking into account the sovereignty of the nation-state”
A large number of African countries share this modern and functional acceptance of the right to self-determination. This particularly concerns Section 235 of the South African constitution, which states:
“The right of the South African people as a whole to self-determination, as manifested in this Constitution, does not preclude, within the framework of this right, recognition of the notion of the right of self-determination of any community sharing a common cultural and language heritage, within a territorial entity in the Republic or in any other way, determined by national legislation.”
Furthermore, there is not a single indigenous community in Africa that wishes to become an independent nation or that threatens its country with secession. These people or communities seek, rather, to assert certain aspects of the right to self-determination that do not threaten territorial integrity, specifically the right to participate fully in national life, the right to local self-government, the right to be consulted and to participate in the development of certain laws and programs, the right to recognition and promotion of their traditional structures, as well as the freedom to enjoy and promote their culture.
French to English: Brochure on asthma
General field: Science
Detailed field: Medical: Health Care
Source text - French
L’asthme est une maladie chronique qui affecte les voies respiratoires. Lorsqu’on a de l’asthme, les parois intérieures des voies respiratoires sont enflammées et enflées. Un certain nombre de choses peuvent déclencher ou aggraver les symptômes de l'asthme, par exemple, les pollens ou la pollution atmosphérique. Lorsque les voies respiratoires réagissent à des choses auxquelles on est allergique, elles se rétrécissent et laissent passer moins d’air dans les poumons.
Lorsque les symptômes s’aggravent, on appelle cela une crise d’asthme. Lors d’une crise d’asthme, les muscles autour des voies respiratoires se contractent et rétrécissent encore plus les voies respiratoires. Les cellules peuvent aussi à ce moment-là produire plus de mucus que d’habitude et cette hypersécretion entraîne une obstruction partielle des bronches. Ces changements rendent la respiration encore plus difficile.
Dans tous les types d'asthmes on retrouve les symptômes suivants : Une difficulté respiratoire ou dyspnée ; oppression respiratoire (sensation de lourdeur sur la poitrine); une augmentation ou inversement une diminution de la fréquence respiratoire (une tachypnée ou une bradypnée,) ; un sifflement à l'expiration ; une toux qui empire souvent la nuit.
Tous ceux qui souffrent de l'asthme ont besoin d'un médicament qui soulage rapidement lorsque les symptômes surgissent. Mais les bronchodilatateurs d'action rapide ne doivent en aucun cas être considérés comme un traitement de fond. En effet, comme leur nom l'indique, ils se contentent de forcer la bronche à rester dilatée (ouverte) malgré son état inflammatoire ; s'ils permettent à l'organisme de respirer, ils ne guérissent pas les bronches.
Le tabagisme a des effets adverses sur les asthmatiques. Les asthmatiques fumeurs présentent des symptômes plus graves et leur fonction pulmonaire décline plus rapidement. Ils ont généralement besoin de prendre des médicaments supplémentaires pour contrôler leur maladie.
Translation - English
Asthma is a chronic illness that affects the airways. When you have asthma, the inner walls of your airways become inflamed and swollen. A number of things can trigger or aggravate asthma symptoms, such as pollen or air pollution. When the airways react to allergens, they narrow, allowing less air into the lungs.
When symptoms worsen, this is called an asthma attack. During an asthma attack, the muscles around the airways contract and the airways narrow even further. Cells may also then produce more mucus than normal, and this increased secretion leads to partial obstruction of the bronchi. These changes make breathing even more difficult.
The following symptoms are found in all types of asthma: Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath; chest tightness (feeling of heaviness in the chest) an increase or, conversely, a decrease in breathing rate (tachypnea or bradypnea); wheezing when exhaling; a cough that often gets worse at night.
All asthma sufferers need medication that provides quick relief when symptoms arise, but fast-acting bronchodilators should never be considered as a long-term treatment. In fact, as their name indicates, they merely force the bronchus to remain dilated (open) in spite of its inflamed state. They allow the person to breathe, but do not heal the bronchial tubes.
Tobacco use has adverse effects on asthmatics. Asthmatic smokers display more serious symptoms, and their lung function declines more quickly. They usually need to take additional medication to control their illness.

Glossaries Culinary, General Business, Holiday Greetings, Law, Marketing, Textiles, Transcripts and Diplomas
Translation education Master's degree - Anglia Ruskin University
Experience Years of experience: 21. Registered at Nov 2006. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Credentials N/A
Memberships Authors Guild, ALTA, SoA:TA
Software Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Wordfast
CV/Resume CV available upon request
Events and training
Professional practices Zoe Perry endorses's Professional Guidelines (v1.1).
Areas of Specialization: Literary, Arts, Education, Marketing & Advertising, Legal
Professional translator since 2003, full-time freelancer since 2011.
Native English speaker, national of the USA, Canada, & the UK.
Lived and worked in the USA, Canada, France, Portugal, Russia, Spain, England, and Brazil.

Memberships: American Literary Translators Association (ALTA), Translators Association of the Society of Authors, Authors Guild. I am primarily a literary translator, working with publishing houses and literary agents to translate contemporary Brazilian literary fiction and creative non-fiction books, memoir and short stories. More information about my latest publications is available on my website: I also have an extensive background in commercial translation, translating everything from market research, corporate communications and press releases to web content, music and film reviews, contracts and journal articles. I have translated several international award-winning (Cannes Lions, Clio, and One Show) advertising campaigns and festival case studies for Leo Burnett Lisbon and Ogilvy and Mather Brasil, and edited materials for Lowe Adventa-Moscow.

I also translate general legal and official documents for immigration, employment or credential evaluation purposes: Birth Certificates, Transcripts and Diplomas, Immunization Records, Divorce and Marriage Certificates, Training Certificates, etc. I only translate into English and I will only accept a job if I am confident that I can deliver a top-quality translation on or before the deadline. I am comfortable working with texts from both Brazil and Portugal, as well as from France, West Africa, and Canada.

With experience as both an in-house and freelance translator as well as a translation project manager, I am familiar with all sides of the business and do my best to make things go as smoothly as possible, with proven reliability, accuracy, and speed.

Qualifications Coursework in French to English Translation, New York University, MA Intercultural Communication, Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, England.
BA French and International Studies, Guilford College, Greensboro, NC, USA.
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PRO-level pts: 55

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Education / Pedagogy8
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Games / Video Games / Gaming / Casino4
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Law: Contract(s)4
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Keywords: certificates, birth certificate, certidão de nascimento, acte de naissance, diplomas, marriage certificate, divorce, court documents, custody, agreement. See more.certificates, birth certificate, certidão de nascimento, acte de naissance, diplomas, marriage certificate, divorce, court documents, custody, agreement, adoption, contract, intercultural communication, international education, education, school records, transcripts, driver's license, immigration, advertising, propaganda, publicidade, copywriting, marketing, business, human resources, cinema, film, arts, dentistry, affordable rates, dental, medical, legal, textiles, social sciences, literature, correspondence, member American Translators Association, ATA, Brazil, Portugal, Angola, Mozambique, Brasil, Moçambique, Tunisia, Morocco, Maroc, Tunisie, Canada, Quebec, France, Switzerland, Suisse, Belgium, Belgique, West Africa, Francophone Africa, Niger, Congo, Rwanda, Benin, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Gabon, Mali, Burundi, Burkina Faso, Togo, Côte d'Ivoire, Ivory Coast, Guinea, USA, native English speaker, Portuguese translator, French translator, native English speaker, native English, English mother tongue, ad copy, brochures, certificates, diplomas and transcripts, websites, press releases, labels and packaging, employee communications, catalogues, tag lines and slogans, immigration, letters to customers, statement messages, marketing brochures and other materials, insurance policies and claims, administrative, legal documents, press releases, corporate communication, brochures, certificates, diplomas and transcripts, court documents, websites, press releases, journal articles, abstracts, magazine, newspaper articles, labels, packaging, employee communications, catalogs, tag lines, slogans, immigration, letters to customers, statement messages, marketing brochures, insurance policies, insurance claims, administrative, legal documents, press releases, corporate communication. See less.

Profile last updated
Sep 12, 2023

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