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    • 英語
      • 医療(一般)
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          • Term
            • aerosol-generating procedures
          • Additional fields of expertise
          • Definition(s)
            • An aerosol-generating procedure is defined as any medical procedure that can induce the production of aerosols of various sizes, including droplet nuclei. National Center for Biotechnology Info.
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Standard and droplet precautions need to be applied to all patients with confirmed and suspected coronavirus infection. Airborne precautions should be added when performing aerosol generating procedures. Surveillance of health status of health care workers involved in provision of care needs to be maintained, and compliance with the infection control measures should be closely monitored. - World Health Organization by
            • N95 respirators or respirators that offer a higher level of protection should be used instead of a facemask when performing or present for an aerosol generating procedure (See Section 4). See appendix for respirator definition. Disposable respirators and facemasks should be removed and discarded after exiting the patient’s room or care area and closing the door unless implementing extended use or reuse. Perform hand hygiene after removing the respirator or facemask. - CDC by
            • On April 13, 2020, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) updated their guidance to indicate that aerosol generating procedures (AGPs) are medical procedures that are “more likely to generate higher concentrations of infectious respiratory aerosols than coughing, sneezing, talking, or breathing” and result in “uncontrolled respiratory secretions.” AGPs produce airborne particles (aerosols/droplets) that can lead to the spread of respiratory infections. - ASHA by
  • Compare this term in: アラビア語, 中国語, ドイツ語, オランダ語, ギリシャ語, スペイン語, ペルシャ語, フランス語, イタリア語, 朝鮮語, ポーランド語, ポルトガル語, ルーマニア語, ロシア語, スロヴァキア語, ウクライナ語

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