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    • English
      • Linguistics
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          • Term
            • context-embedded language
          • Additional fields of expertise
          • Definition(s)
            • Context-embedded language refers to communication that occurs in a context of shared understanding, where there are cues or signals that help to reveal the meaning (e.g. visual clues, gestures, expressions, specific location). WETA
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Cummins' model (see Figure 1) consists of two intersecting continuums: the first from context-embedded language to context-reduced language, and the second from cognitively undemanding language (which requires little conscious attention to language forms or choices) to cognitively demanding language (which requires the active cognitive efforts of the speaker/writer to produce). - Thomas and Collier Research by
            • Children who receive functional and context-embedded language instruction are more likely to have a positive attitude about learning and a heightened self-concept. - Education Resources Information Center by
            • While these teachers often overestimate ESL students’ academic level of proficiency, Emily’s description (below) suggests that she is aware that while the students have a good grasp of BICS (context-embedded language), they lack CALP (context-reduced language). Her contention is that this will prove particularly problematic for the students the following year in high school. - Lynne Wiltse by
  • Compare this term in: Serbian, Albanian, Bulgarian, Catalan, Czech, Chinese, German, Dutch, Spanish, Persian (Farsi), Finnish, French, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Swedish, Turkish

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