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    • English
      • Fisheries
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          • Term
            • casting spoon
          • Additional fields of expertise
          • Definition(s)
            • An oblong, usually concave lure, usually made of metal or a shell, shaped like the bowl of a spoon. The spoon lure is mainly used to attract fish by reflecting light and moving randomly. Wikipedia
          • Example sentence(s)
            • For a beginner it's better to start with casting spoons because they are easy to use. You just need to cast and retrieve. The spoon should not spin, so you can speed up as long as it's wobbling; if it starts spinning, just slow down. - Fishing Mania by
            • If you ever had the opportunity to open Grand Pa’s old metal tackle box it would be safe to say you would find quite a few of the traditional red and white casting spoons that where popular back in the 1940’s – 50’s. - Learning How To Fish by
            • Casting spoons like the Al's Goldfish are great for youth anglers. They are very simple to use and very effective. Simply cast, let drop a couple seconds and retrieve. - Lisianski Inlet Lodge by
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