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25+ years in translation, six as an in-house translator in Paris, producing target translations that are faithful to the source and read as the original.
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Points PRO : 246, Réponses aux questions : 191, Questions posées : 31
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espagnol vers anglais: Sample translation
Texte source - espagnol Las actividades de I+D, lideradas por el Centro de Investigación han aportado mejoras tanto a los procesos productivos en explotación, que permiten maximizar la producción con el mínimo impacto en el medio ambiente, como en el desarrollo de nuevos combustibles basados en componentes de origen agrícola con un impacto menor desde el punto de vista de la contribución a las emisiones de GEI.
En este sentido, el Centro ha investigado, durante 2006, en la obtención de componentes de gasóleo libre de contaminantes y prácticamente neutro desde el punto de vista de emisiones de CO2. Este proceso consiste en hidrotratar aceites vegetales en una unidad de hidrotratamiento convencional con catalizadores típicos de este proceso y bajo condiciones de trabajo habituales. Mediante este sistema se produce un gasóleo de altas prestaciones con excelentes propiedades de combustión. El proyecto es financiado por el Ministerio de Industria y el Instituto Madrileño de Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial.
Existen otras líneas de investigación en curso que continuarán en los próximos años ya que constituyen el soporte y asistencia técnica que requieren las unidades de negocio, y se apoyarán fundamentalmente en procesos y productos basados en componentes agrícolas y renovables.
Además, el Centro de Investigación de XXX participa en diferentes programas relacionados, entre otros, con la producción y utilización de biocombustibles y en los que colabora con la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, la Universidad de Alcalá de Henares y la Universidad de Zaragoza, así como el Centro de Tecnología Química (ITQ) y el Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Metalúrgicas (CIEMAT).
Traduction - anglais The R&D activities headed by the Research Centre have made improvements to both the productive processes in place (helping to maximise production with as little impact as possible on the environment) and to the development of new fuels based on agricultural components with the least possible impact in terms of GHG emissions.
With this aim in mind, in 2006 the Centre worked on obtaining diesel components that are free of contaminants and practically neutral in terms of CO2 emissions. The procedure consists of hydro-processing vegetable oil in a conventional hydro-processing unit using catalysers normally used for such procedures and under normal working conditions. This system produces high-quality diesel with excellent combustion qualities. The project is funded by the Ministry of Industry and the Madrid Institute for Industrial Technological Development.
Other lines of investigation are currently under way and will continue over the next few years, providing support and technical assistance to the business units, and relying mainly on processes and products based on agricultural and renewable components.
XXXX’s Research Centre is also involved in various associated programmes, including the production and utilisation of biofuels, and is working on projects in conjunction with the Complutense University in Madrid, the University of Alcalá de Henares and the University of Zaragoza, as well as the Chemical Technology Centre (ITQ) and the National Centre of Metallurgical Research (CIEMAT).
français vers anglais: Sample translation
Texte source - français SSII créée en 1984, XXX est cotée au Second Marché de la Bourse de Paris depuis 1997. Le Groupe, implanté en France et au Benelux, a pour vocation d’offrir à ses clients européens une large gamme de solutions informatiques. Simultanément fondée sur l’excellence d’un savoir-faire dans chacune de ses grandes lignes métiers et sur la créativité de ses talents, l’offre XXX se décline en prestations d’ingénierie ou de conseil à forte valeur ajoutée.
Organisé en agences implantées sur l’ensemble du territoire français et dans plusieurs pays européens, le Groupe XXX combine expertise haut de gamme, proximité géographique et culturelle de ses clients, ainsi que qualité de service et technologies de pointe. Ses pôles métiers sont le Conseil et l’expertise, la Gestion des systèmes d’information, l’Exploitation des systèmes d’information et la Gestion des infrastructures.
Traduction - anglais An IT services company set up in 1984 and listed on the second market of the Paris stock exchange since 1997, the XXX Group, established in France and Benelux, is dedicated to offering its European customers a wide range of IT solutions. Founded both on the company's expert knowledge in each of its main business lines and its creative talent, XXX offers a range of engineering services and high added-value consulting.
Organized into agencies throughout France and in several other European countries, the XXX Group combines high level expertise, geographical and cultural proximity for its customers, as well as service quality and leading-edge technologies. It's core business is general and expert Consulting, as well as Information system management, Information system exploitation and Infrastructure management.
Other business specialities include marketing, customer relationship management, public relations, human relations, corporate strategy & communications. I have translated hundreds of such texts for the above industries and sectors. I also love politics and sport and am very comfortable translating such texts.
I have a business degree, the Institute of Linguists Diploma in Translation and a professional qualification in technical translation from the American University of Paris. Translating from French and Spanish into English, I worked for six years as an in-house translator working for the European Telecommunications Satellite Organization (in Paris). I also worked in-house for a US sports management/events company and a major French hotel group.
I have lived and worked in London, Paris, Washington D.C., Madrid and the Netherlands.
I use the MemoQ and Trados CAT tools.
Cet utilisateur a gagné des points KudoZ en aidant d'autres traducteurs sur des termes de niveau PRO. Cliquez sur le total des points pour afficher les traductions proposées.
Total des points gagnés: 274 Points de niveau PRO: 246