What translators are working on

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What translation project are you working on right now?
Josephine Cassar posting from ProZ.com shared:

A travel brochure which is more like a diary with lovely set-out for young travelers so they keep a record of their experiences. The diary has pictures which owners will then fill in and includes suggestions about sites worth visiting and practical hints but is not at all dictatorial as it makes users thing and consider, calculate.

Qed tipprova tippratika l-ħiliet lingwistiċi tiegħek? Ipprova l-Isvediż għax hu l-eqdem lingwa fl-Ewropa, l-ivvjaġġar hu aktar minn sempliċement timxi mat-toroq tal-belt għax trid ittiehem, Għinna nsiru nafu l-post fejn qiegħed bħalissa billi tgħidilna liema hu l-aktar bini antik u ħudlu ritratt u ippowstjah fuq Instagram, Tmut għal xi ħaġa ħelwa? Malta famuża għall-għasel u hu proprju minħabba fih li ħadet isimha, Issa li ilna ġimagħtejn nivvjaġġaw ta' min jagħti ħarsa lejn il-baġit ħalli ma nispiċċawx f'xi gwaj


I Do That

  • English to Maltese
  • 3000 words
  • Tourism & Travel
  • Studio Trados