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What translation project are you working on right now?
Josephine Cassar posting from ProZ.com shared:

A text about a brand of cradles and how these help parents feel secure, types, how these differ, how to use, take care, how they notify parents if baby has woken up or is crying, how they help baby sleep because of the gentle rocking.

Dawl abjad binhar aħmar billejl, jgħin l-arloġġ bijoloġiku għal dak li jsejjħulu ritmu ċikardjan, dan jikkontribwixxi fost affarijiet oħra għall-produzzjoni tan-newroħormon melatonin, teknoloġija tal-aħħar biex inkunu konformi mal-istandards stretti Ewropej


I Do That

  • English to Maltese
  • 1200 words
  • Marketing / Market Research