Translation Glossaries from the Web
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Petroleum Development Oman |
The English scientific literature is full of technical terms that in many cases do not have equivalent, standard terms in Spanish. Because finding accurate terms while translating texts for ornithological journals (this explains the avian bias) has been often difficult for us, during the past few years we have been building this glossary, which rep... View more
Biology Glossary |
This editable Wiki Dictionary provides explanations for thousands of terms with links to relevant tutorials: contains hand picked articles in Agriculture, Astrobiology, Biochemistry, Bioengineering, Biophysics, Medicine and many other topics, and includes World's largest and most comprehensive biology discussion board, made up of sections on Cell B... View more
Life Science Glossary |
In this resource a large amount of biology related information is readily available. It is a glossary of over 3,700 definitions and it is still growing.
Glossar Evolution
Zentrale für Unterrichtsmedien |
Umfangreiche Glossare Evolution für Biologiekurs Klasse 13
The aim of the present article is to relieve this problem as much as possible by establishing the translation into Spanish of some of the most problematic terms in English within the fields of Ethology, Ecology and Evolution. A total of 172 terms in English have been translated into Spanish. An asterisk marks the terms that are habitually used but... View more
Microeconomics glossary - Mikro�konomisk glossarium
University of Aalborg, Dept. of Business Studies. |
Danish - English, English - Danish microeconomics glossary. Maintained by Esben Sloth Andersen, University of Aalborg, Dept. of Business Studies.
glossaire anglais/français de termes relatifs à la révolution française