Powwow Report for Royaume-Uni - London (Jan 24 2015)

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: organizer : photos : report : host
Josephine Bacon
Maria-Venetia Kyritsi
Roberto Bertuol
Oliver Walter
Katharina Wawrzon-Stewart
Michael Watson
Carmen Herrera
Evangelia Mouma
Jeanie Eldon
Enrique Vercher
Natalia Makeeva
Paolo Lodi
Sikelia Antonopoulou
Guillermo Urbina Valdés
Danche Bakeva
Christopher Smith
Zsuzsanna Olah
Paula Vara
Fran Lambert
Andrea Musumeci, PhD, MA Translation, MCIL, CL
Justyna Gutowska
Irene Palmer Bautista
Ana Belén Díaz

Postings from ProZians who attended this event

Feb 1 '15  Paula Vara: Great event
It was very nice to meet so many fellow translators
Best regards,
Jan 31 '15  Katharina Wawrzon-Stewart: Please do it again
Well done for organising an interesting and engaging event. You both seem to have a knack for organising, so please carry on!
Jan 31 '15  Paolo Lodi: Great meeting
Met great people and had fun! I hope to see all of you again
Jan 31 '15  Evangelia Mouma: Had much fun...
... and met great people. Thank you Dacha and Sikelia!
Jan 31 '15  Josephine Bacon: Powwow in London
Excellent event, congrats to the organizers.
Jan 30 '15  Maria-Venetia Kyritsi: Great event!
Looking forward to the next one, and to keep in touch with the very interesting people I met!

Jan 30 '15  Carmen Herrera: Excellent
Danche and Sikelia have been great organizers. It was good fun. Thanks very much.
Best regards,
Carmen Herrera
Jan 28 '15  Michael Watson: To Danche and Sikelia
Thanks very much for organising this excellent PowWow!

I really enjoyed it and was very pleased to meet everyone as well as seeing some old faces (not old in that sense!) that I hadn\'t seen for a long time.

There were also some very interesting concise biographies in the introductions!

Kind regards,

Michael Watson