Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Feb 5 '19 eng>eng master of nothing yes, a feeling she could not master/be in control of anything pro closed ok
- Jan 28 '19 eng>eng oscillation like a waveform pro closed no
- Dec 14 '18 eng>eng not like he’s not counting he's just pretending he doesn't know how MANY victims easy closed no
4 Dec 3 '18 eng>eng take down a musical instrument Pick up an instument and play pro closed ok
4 Nov 24 '18 eng>eng There was no one wage earners had to give way The people earning a wage (workers) had to move out of the way... pro closed no
4 Nov 8 '18 eng>eng Scrik Crikey! Cripes! pro closed no
4 Nov 8 '18 eng>eng Shabadatwik so what's it to do with (me) pro closed ok
- Nov 8 '18 eng>eng Scritch vit bottofix scratch with a key wrench pro closed no
4 Sep 25 '18 eng>eng be mocking as amusement making fun of (in nasty way) and being amused pro closed ok
4 Sep 18 '18 eng>eng hub-riss HUB-riss pro closed no
4 Sep 14 '18 eng>eng artifacts of a girl in motion the things that denote a go-getting girl pro closed no
4 Sep 14 '18 eng>eng score a seat at one of the lower-tier tables get a seat at one of the less popular tables pro closed ok
4 Jun 21 '18 eng>eng use of article not essential pro closed ok
4 May 17 '18 eng>eng ...on the moorings of its guy-ropes a simile: tent is being moved like a boat back and forth on its moorings pro closed ok
4 Jan 25 '18 eng>eng only at present as a minor but just as a minor part (of the familiar struggle against wind and wave) pro closed no
4 Dec 16 '17 eng>eng drunken loops uneven/unruly oval or circular shapes (formed by birds) Random coiling patterns pro closed ok
- Jun 6 '17 eng>eng isolated but one of a row a remote (isolated) terrace of houses pro closed no
3 Apr 4 '17 eng>eng ambiel keep the name or invent something that's similar pro closed no
- Mar 23 '17 fra>eng le nez dehors (always) sniffing the air... pro closed ok
4 Mar 26 '17 eng>eng a low-slung voice a voice with a hint/undercurrent of danger pro closed ok
- Feb 19 '17 eng>eng person making/concocting and selling (illegal) poisons (clandestine) chemist pro closed ok
- Jan 2 '17 eng>eng mind-bending perception-changing easy closed no
4 Dec 14 '16 eng>eng flat monotone without any rise or fall in pitch easy closed ok
4 Dec 3 '16 eng>eng lose its (one's) limbs (various meanings) war come to an end with fall of Saigon pro closed ok
- Oct 14 '16 fra>eng Creuset (catalyseur d'innovation) cradle pro closed no
4 Aug 24 '16 fra>eng Piqueux des chasses field master/huntsman/whipper-in pro closed ok
4 Apr 9 '16 eng>eng I feel like I feel that/think that easy closed ok
- Mar 30 '16 eng>eng are exalted are very high pro closed ok
- Mar 21 '16 eng>eng Swung them to the line put them (the hounds) onto the scent pro closed ok
4 Mar 17 '16 eng>eng loosed to our undoing won't be released to cause us to suffer in the same way again pro closed ok
4 Mar 13 '16 eng>eng Quivering trembling/shaking slightly (or shimmering) pro closed ok
4 Dec 16 '15 eng>eng flake city you're crazy/mad pro closed ok
4 Dec 14 '15 eng>eng I screamed bloody murder I yelled/screamed as if (I were) being attacked easy closed ok
- Nov 7 '15 eng>eng Louvre School of Armourers unidentified workshop/assumed to be made by an Antwerp goldsmith pro closed ok
4 Nov 1 '15 eng>eng set types fixed types e.g. Dionysiac and genre figures pro closed ok
- Sep 28 '15 fra>eng mondain on-trend/fashionable pro closed ok
4 Sep 10 '15 eng>eng soil crumbled chocolate/chocolate crumbs pro closed ok
- Sep 10 '15 eng>eng partner points the best way of earning maximum approval from partner is with food & flowers pro closed no
- Sep 9 '15 eng>eng caught out got the feeling pro closed ok
4 Sep 9 '15 eng>eng this one isn't coming home he's going to die easy closed ok
4 Aug 4 '15 eng>eng soothe out of entice out ...make the owls belive it's safe to come out pro closed ok
- Aug 1 '15 eng>eng ash-frail flexible, intricate interweaving pro closed ok
4 Jul 22 '15 eng>eng bibliograf(ter) yes, a play on words pro closed ok
4 Jul 6 '15 eng>eng The Weatherhouse The Weatherhouse =name of a (fictional) farm house pro closed ok
4 Jun 23 '15 ita>eng auto conclusi stand-alone episodes pro closed ok
4 Jun 4 '15 eng>eng outreach session outreach session pro closed no
4 May 25 '15 eng>eng Floss, rubber gloves, and a chewed cap to a pen his effects (possessions) are (dental) floss, rubber glove, a chewed pencaps pro closed ok
- Apr 22 '15 eng>eng make it work for you make it (the cheap vodka) make you drunk pro closed ok
4 Apr 21 '15 eng>eng indoor-outdoor carpeting she has a choice, to leave or go back pro closed no
4 Apr 20 '15 eng>eng absently graced rerun palying silently on screen pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered