Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Apr 4 '09 fra>eng départ fautif with-fault exit, a with-fault leaver pro closed ok
4 Jun 22 '18 fra>eng État des Servitudes Risques et d'Information sur les Sols (ERSIS) État des Servitudes Risques et d\'Information sur les Sols (ERSIS) pro closed no
- May 29 '18 fra>eng mesures conservatoires de ses droits protective measures pro closed ok
4 Dec 11 '17 fra>eng ne venaient pas au rang convenu (and) were not at the agreed rank; did not appear at the agreed rank pro closed ok
4 Dec 7 '17 fra>eng recueil effectif des garanties the guarantees set out herein have been obtained pro closed ok
- Dec 7 '17 fra>eng à terme à échoir management costs to be paid at the start of the month/the period pro closed ok
- Sep 27 '17 fra>eng redevances à échoir the fees remaining due pro closed ok
4 May 11 '17 fra>eng Ayant été celui choisi par le Promoteur, (Literally) Having been (the one) chosen by the Promoter/Developer easy closed no
- May 6 '17 fra>eng intimant (une société) ont entrepris le jugement to issue appeal proceedings against X (a party/société) pro closed no
- Apr 15 '17 fra>eng image fixée to set/setting (of) an image pro closed no
- Mar 21 '17 fra>eng chefs rephrase it? pro closed no
4 Feb 22 '17 fra>eng pourvoir à votre défense to take on your case, to defend your interests pro closed ok
- Jan 26 '17 fra>eng Contrôle par le Bailleur Lessor's duty to check insurance cover pro closed no
- Jan 25 '17 fra>eng aménager le délai de prescription to agree to a limitation period pro closed ok
- Nov 23 '16 fra>eng Loueur client pro just_closed no
4 Nov 19 '16 fra>eng assurances the insurance company (-ies) easy closed no
- Oct 19 '16 fra>eng Chaque gérant engage la société Each manager shall bind the company pro closed no
4 Oct 19 '16 fra>eng De convention essentielle By fundamental agreement pro closed no
4 Sep 17 '16 fra>eng s'entend (in this context) to mean, to intend, to be understood pro closed no
- Aug 14 '16 fra>eng PVRU Participation pour Voirie et Réseaux (PVR) pro closed no
4 Jul 20 '16 fra>eng par identiques by the same people pro closed no
- Jul 14 '16 fra>eng abattement abatement pro just_closed no
- Jun 8 '16 fra>eng l'action pouvant en résulter (conditions in which) the purchaser may take legal action pro closed ok
- Apr 25 '16 fra>eng Acquisition reliance upon pro closed no
- Oct 22 '15 fra>eng décompte detailed account, working out of xyz, breakdown of xyz pro just_closed no
- Jul 15 '15 fra>eng ad art. cf. art. XYZ ; see art. XYZ pro closed ok
4 Jun 4 '15 fra>eng acquises à employeur granted to the employer ; acquired by the employer pro closed no
4 Jun 4 '15 fra>eng Attestations Sociales Certificates; Official notifications of contributions easy closed no
- May 22 '15 fra>eng congé ending the lease easy closed ok
- Feb 28 '15 fra>eng contenant dépôt containing the deposit document pro open no
4 Jan 15 '15 fra>eng décote apply a penalty; make a partial refund pro closed ok
4 Jun 13 '14 fra>eng à l’exclusion de toute autre indemnisation de [X] to the exclusion of any other indemnification pro closed ok
4 May 8 '14 fra>eng requérir de la Caution call upon the Guarantor to + verb pro closed ok
- Jan 13 '14 fra>eng ne pouvoir en faire état not be able to take into account/account for; be unable to take into account:account for easy closed no
4 Nov 11 '13 fra>eng communauté légale ou conventionnelle statutory marriage system (without a contract) other marriage systems (with a contract) pro closed no
- Nov 1 '13 fra>eng "mise en société" the formation of a company pro closed ok
- Jul 16 '13 fra>eng retrait d'habilitation (du titulaire) revocation of authorization pro just_closed no
4 Jul 9 '13 fra>eng la forme qu'au fond with regard to matters both procedural and substantive. pro closed ok
4 Jul 4 '13 fra>eng Prospects potential clients easy closed no
4 Jun 19 '13 fra>eng reports de prescription extension of time limits pro closed no
4 Apr 17 '13 fra>eng arrêts de délégation delegation order(s) pro closed no
4 Mar 24 '13 fra>eng EN GARANTIE ProZ glossaries pro closed ok
4 Mar 16 '13 fra>eng sauf cas de force majeure except in the event of force majeure easy closed no
3 Feb 10 '13 fra>eng dispositions légales ou conventionnelles locales statutory provisions or local (collective) agreements pro closed ok
- Jan 9 '13 fra>eng sous réserve subject to pro closed ok
4 Jan 4 '13 fra>eng aux torts et griefs du client the consequences of which are to be borne by the client pro closed ok
- Dec 8 '12 fra>eng Il vaut règlement transactionnel contractual (pertaining to a transaction, a contract) pro closed ok
- Dec 3 '12 fra>eng s’éloigner de removed from pro closed ok
4 Nov 28 '12 fra>eng justifié et notifié (in this context) to provide documentary evidence of something pro closed ok
- Nov 4 '12 fra>eng avis de probation notice of probationary period, probationary period notice pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered